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October 1, 2021

First Friday AM Kinesiology Seminar: Matching Muscle Energy Supply to the Demand in Health and Disease

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
First Friday AM Kinesiology Seminar with Dr. Sarah Kuzmiak-Glancy: Matching Muscle Energy Supply to the Demand in Health and Disease Add to Default shortcuts Primary tabs

Location: Friedgen Lounge (SPH 2236)

The UMD School of Public Health Department of Kinesiology invites you to join the second lecture of the First Friday AM Seminar Series, featuring Dr. Sarah Kuzmiak-Glancy.

Dr. Sarah Kuzmiak-Glancy received a PhD from the Arizona State University and received her postdoctoral training at the George Washington University and the National Institutes of Health.  Dr. Glancy studies the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle metabolism during increases in energy demand (exercise), with a goal to unravel how this regulation is altered during aging and pathological conditions.