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May 24, 2021

William Galway: MA Thesis Defense

2:00 PM
gold background with UMD Kinesiology logo
Please join us as Kinesiology MA student, William Galway, defends his thesis.

Abstract: Although many studies have investigated mental workload during performance, its examination through functional connectivity during motor practice/learning is limited thus requiring further investigations. Therefore, this work aims to examine performance and functional connectivity dynamics underlying mental workload during motor practice by combining a robust computational method to derive connectivity and a human-machine interface which mitigates the use of
participants’ prior motor experience since it can bias the acquisition process. Participants practiced reaching with a robotic arm through a head-controlled interface while kinematics and EEG were collected. The robotic end-effector kinematics quantified the performance and the Weighted Phase Lag Index indexed the connectivity during movement planning. Although performance improved during practice, the functional connectivity dynamics suggest that the recruitment of cognitive-motor resources decreased to a certain extent but that further training is likely needed to attenuate the mental workload. The work can also inform the training and design of assistive devices.

Advisor: Dr. Rodolphe Gentili

Please contact William directly if you’d like an invite to the online meeting.