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May 12, 2023

SPH 2023 Spring Assembly

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
On Friday, May 12, 2023, faculty and staff, SPH and campus leaders will convene in person for the spring assembly where employees will be honored for their outstanding service and commitment to the school.

Location: 1312 SPH Lecture Hall

Dean Boris D. Lushniak will provide a state of the school message and welcome Senior Vice President and Provost Jennifer King Rice to discuss the UMD Strategic Plan, Fearlessly Forward In Pursuit of Excellence and Impact for the Public Good. This will be followed by the school-wide, in-person launch of the development of a new UMD SPH Strategic Plan. The assembly will culminate with staff service awards, a celebration of 2023 promotions and the annual SPH Faculty/Staff Awards. 

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