Current Projects
Maryland Statewide Collaborative to Reduce College Drinking and Related Problems (the Maryland Collaborative)
The Maryland Collaborative is a network of colleges in Maryland that are committed to reducing underage and excessive drinking among college students by implementing and evaluating multi-level interventions and best practices. Funded by the Maryland Department of Health, Office of Population Health Improvement. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Understanding the Aging Process of Urban African Americans Across the Life Course: Identifying Early Risk and Protection for Cognition and Health in Midlife (R01AG057673; The Woodlawn Project)
This project will inform intervention development and policy making by identifying critical pivotal influences along the life course that alter aging trajectories and improve health outcomes by following up with the Woodlawn cohort. Funded by the National Institute on Aging. PI: Kerry Green, Co-I: Amelia M. Arria
Drug Abuse Trajectories in the Transition to Adulthood: Risk Factors and Outcomes (R01DA014845; the College Life Study)
This longitudinal prospective cohort study examines the prevalence, correlates, and consequences of health-risk behaviors and mental health problems among college students during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. Formerly funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Central East ATTC Evaluation
This project is a formal evaluation of the activities carried out by the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration via a subcontract with the Danya Institute. PI: Oscar Morgan, Local PI: Amelia M. Arria
Central East PTTC Evaluation
This project is a formal evaluation of the activities carried out by the Central East Prevention Technology Transfer Center. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration via a subcontract with the Danya Institute. PI: Oscar Morgan, Local PI: Amelia M. Arria
Student Experiences and Environment Survey (SEES)
SEES is a biennial survey of University of Maryland students about sexual assault and other aspects of the campus environment at UMD. This survey is conducted under the direction of the University of Maryland’s Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct. PI: Amelia M. Arria and Title IX Director
Partnership with the Mary Christie Institute
CYAHD and the Mary Christie Institute are establishing a partnership to turn existing knowledge regarding college student mental health into actionable steps to improve the lives of young people. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Assessing Compassionate Intervention for Adolescents with Addiction in Alberta: Documenting Lived Experiences and Legal Opinions
Funded by the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Assessment of gambling prevalence and promotion of gambling prevention messaging among college students in Maryland
Funded by the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling. PI: Malinda Kennedy
Maryland Commission on Public Health Assessment Team
Funded by the State of Maryland and the CDC Foundation. PI: Amelia Arria
Central East MHTTC Evaluation
This project is a formal evaluation of the activities carried out by the Central East Mental Health Technology Transfer Center. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration via a subcontract with the Danya Institute. PI: Oscar Morgan, Local PI: Amelia M. Arria
Evaluation of CONNECT@College
The goal of this project is to independently evaluate the services provided by Christie Campus Health, LLC. Funded by Christie Campus Health. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Emerging Drug Trend Reports for the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
In conjunction with the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation we prepare reports on emerging substance use topics. Funded by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Personalized Health Assessment Related to Medications (U01DA040219; Project PHARM)
This project aims to develop and evaluate a personalized feedback intervention for nonmedical use of prescription stimulants. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse via a subcontract with the University of Washington. Co-PIs: Jason R. Kilmer, Amelia M. Arria, Dolores Cimini
Tobacco-Free Generation College Initiative
The goal of this project is to adopt a 100% smoke-free policy for UMCP. Funded by the American Cancer Society. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Evaluation of the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre (AARC)
This project is a formal evaluation of an adolescent addiction program that will investigate the extent to which graduates achieve drug abstinence and have improved academic performance and social and family relationships. The evaluation will also seek to understand which program elements are most closely linked to such outcomes. PI: Amelia M. Arria
School Health Chronic Disease Epidemiology and Evaluation Project
This project assists the State of Maryland with developing a school-based system to more systematically and efficiently collect data on children with chronic conditions, with a focus on linking health data with academic indicators. Funded by the Maryland Department of Health. PI: Olivia Carter-Pokras, Co-I: Amelia M. Arria
Energy Drink Consumption Patterns and Longitudinal Relationships to ATOD Use (R03DA037936)
This project analyzes existing longitudinal data from the NIDA-funded College Life Study to describe the patterns of energy drink use during college and the transition to post-college life, with particular interest in the relationship to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use patterns. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Enhancing SBIRT with Parental Involvement: Evaluating the Process and Impact on Families
This project is an evaluation of a Parent Support Network for parents of substance-using adolescents. Funded by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Drug Use Trajectories and the Transition to Adulthood Among Maltreated Youth (R01DA031189)
This research project investigates aspects of childhood maltreatment that are associated with long-term adverse outcomes in young adulthood. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse via a subcontract with the University of Maryland, Baltimore. PI: Howard Dubowitz, Local PI: Amelia M. Arria
Substance use and the aging experiences of the Woodlawn cohort: Pathways to the 50s
This project will obtain preliminary data on the feasibility of recruitment of participants from the Woodlawn cohort. Funded by the Maryland Population Research Center. PI: Kerry Green
Gambling and Excessive Drinking among College Students
The aim of this project is to describe the nature and extent of gambling activities among young adults and the relationships between gambling, substance use, and mental health. Funded by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene via the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Healthy School Start Times Study
CYAHD conducted key informant interviews related to the impact of changing school start times on student health and safety, in consultation with state health officials. Funded by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office of School Health, Health Systems and Infrastructure Administration. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Evaluation of the Betty Ford Children’s Programs
This project evaluated the impact of attending the Betty Ford Children's Program on psychosocial and family functioning. Funded by the Conrad Hilton Foundation via the Treatment Research Institute. PI: Amelia M. Arria
False ID use, the Development of AUD, and Provision of Alcohol to Minors (R03AA019563)
This research project investigated how false ID use was related to college student alcohol problems and examined the nature and extent of providing alcohol to minors by young adults. Funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. PI: Amelia M. Arria
Prenatal Methamphetamine Exposure and Child Development (R01DA014948; The Infant Development, Environment, and Lifestyle Study)
This research focused on examining the long-term behavioral and physical consequences of prenatal methamphetamine exposure. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse via a subcontract with Brown University. PI: Barry Lester, Local PI: Amelia M. Arria
Identifying Early Intervention Targets for College Students at Risk for Suicide
This was a two-year study to understand the risk factors for suicide ideation among college students and to describe the help-seeking process among students who experience suicide ideation. Funded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. PI: Amelia M. Arria