Arria, A.M., Allen, H.K., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2020). Excessive drinking and drug use during college: Prospective associations with graduate school plans and attendance. Journal of American College Health. 68(2), 132-138. doi:10.1080/07448481.2018.1535494; PMC6694003; Research Brief
Allen, H.K., Lilly, F., Beck, K.H., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2019). Graduate degree completion: Associations with alcohol and marijuana use before and after enrollment. Addictive Behaviors Reports. 9, 100156. doi:10.1111/josh.12723; PMC6322074; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Barrall, A.L., Allen, H.K., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B. (2018). The academic opportunity costs of substance use and untreated mental health concerns among college students. In: Promoting behavioral health and reducing risk among college students: A comprehensive approach, M.D. Cimini, E.M. Rivero (eds.) New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis, pp. 3-22.
Morioka, C.K., Howard, D.E., Caldeira, K.M., Wang, M.Q., Arria, A.M. (2018). Affective dysregulation predicts incident nonmedical prescription analgesic use among college students. Addictive Behaviors. 76, 328-334. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.08.034; PMC5614879; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Allen, H.K., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2017). Prevalence and incidence of drug use among college students: An 8-year longitudinal analysis. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 43(6), 711-718. doi:10.1080/00952990.2017.1310219; PMC5638668; Research Brief
Caldeira, K.M., Arria, A.M., Allen, H.K., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2017). Continuity of drunk and drugged driving behaviors four years post-college. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 180, 332-339. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.08.032; PMC5648635; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2017). Trajectories of energy drink consumption and subsequent drug use during young adulthood. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 179, 424-432. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.06.008; PMC5657439; Research Brief
Caldeira, K.M., Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Robertson, C., Welsh, C.J. (2017). Risk factors for gambling and substance use among recent college students. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 179, 280-290. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.06.024; PMC5657435; Research Brief
Allen, H.K., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Arria, A.M. (2017). Drug involvement during and after college: Estimates of opportunity and use given opportunity. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 174, 150-157. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.01.025; PMC5400721; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Cimini, M.D., Geisner, I.M., Fossos-Wong, N., Kilmer, J.R., Larimer, M.E. (2017). Do college students improve their grades by using prescription stimulants nonmedically? Addictive Behaviors. 65, 245-249. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.07.016; PMC5140739; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2016). Energy drink use patterns among young adults: Associations with drunk driving. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 40(11), 2456-2466. doi:10.1111/acer.13229; PMC5074694; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Allen, H.K., Vincent, K.B., Bugbee, B.A., O'Grady, K.E.. (2016). Drinking like an adult? Trajectories of alcohol use patterns before and after college graduation. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 40(3), 583-590. doi:10.1111/acer.12973; PMC4775364; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2016). Marijuana use trajectories during college predict health outcomes nine years post-matriculation. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 159, 158-165. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.12.009; PMC4724514; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2015). The academic consequences of marijuana use during college. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 29(3), 564-575. doi:10.1037/adb0000108; PMC4586361; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Bugbee, B.A., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B. (2014). Energy drink use and high-risk behaviors: Research evidence and knowledge gaps. Nutrition Reviews. 72(S1), 87-97. doi:10.1111/nure.12129; PMC4196711; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Moshkovich, O., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2014). Providing alcohol to underage youth: The view from young adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 38(6), 1790-1798. doi:10.1111/acer.12426; PMC4049187; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Bugbee, B.A., O'Grady, K.E. (2014). False identification use among college students increases the risk for alcohol use disorder: Results of a longitudinal study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 38(3), 834-843. doi:10.1111/acer.12261; PMC3959274; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2013). The academic opportunity costs of substance use during college. College Park, MD: Center on Young Adult Health and Development. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2941.2964
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Winick, E.R., Baron, R.A., O'Grady, K.E. (2013). Discontinuous college enrollment: Associations with substance use and mental health. Psychiatric Services. 64(2), 165-172. doi:10.1176/; PMC3609033; Research Brief
Beck, K.H., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2013). Social contexts of drinking and subsequent alcohol use disorder among college students. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 39(1), 38–43. doi:10.3109/00952990.2012.694519; PMC3465632; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Wilcox, H.C., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., O'Grady, K.E. (2013). Dispelling the myth of “smart drugs”: Cannabis and alcohol use problems predict nonmedical use of prescription stimulants for studying. Addictive Behaviors. 38(3), 1643–1650. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2012.10.002; PMC3558594; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Cook, E.T., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Baron, R.A., O'Grady, K.E. (2013). Drug use patterns in young adulthood and post-college employment. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 127(1-3), 23–30. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.06.001; PMC3463732; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Winick, E.R., O'Grady, K.E. (2013). Drug use patterns and continuous enrollment in college: Results from a longitudinal study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 74(1), 71-83. PMC3517265; Research Brief
Kaynak, Ö., Meyers, K., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Winters, K.C., Arria, A.M. (2013). Relationships among parental monitoring and sensation seeking on the development of substance use disorder among college students. Addictive Behaviors. 38(1), 1457-1463. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2012.08.003; PMC3493701; Research Brief
Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2012). Marijuana use trajectories during the post-college transition: Health outcomes in young adulthood. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 125(3), 267-275. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.02.022; PMC3390463; Research Brief
Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Vincent, K.B., Pickworth, W.B., Arria, A.M. (2012). Cigarette smoking among college students: Longitudinal trajectories and health outcomes. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 14(7), 777-785. doi:10.1093/ntr/nts131; PMC3390552; Research Brief
Caldeira, K.M., Singer, B.J., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2012). HIV testing in recent college students: Prevalence and correlates. AIDS Education and Prevention. 24(4), 363-376. doi:10.1521/aeap.2012.24.4.363; PMC3408631; Research Brief
Wilcox, H.C., Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Pinchevsky, G.M., O'Grady, K.E. (2012). Longitudinal predictors of past-year non-suicidal self-injury and motives among college students. Psychological Medicine. 42(4), 717-726. doi:10.1017/S0033291711001814; PMC3237933; Research Brief
Pinchevsky, G.M., Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2012). Marijuana exposure opportunity and initiation during college: Parent and peer influences. Prevention Science. 13(1), 43-54. doi:10.1007/s11121-011-0243-4; PMC3227785; Research Brief
Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Arria, A.M. (2012). Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants during college: Four-year trends in exposure opportunity, use, motives, and sources. Journal of American College Health. 60(3), 226-234. doi:10.1080/07448481.2011.589876; PMC3313072; Research Brief
Vincent, K.B., Kasperski, S.J., Caldeira, K.M., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Pinchevsky, G.M., O'Grady, K.E., Arria, A.M. (2012). Maintaining superior follow-up rates in a longitudinal study: Experiences from the College Life Study. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches. 6(1), 56-72. doi:10.5172/mra.2012.6.1.56; PMC3255097
Arria, A.M., Winick, E.R., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Vincent, K.B., Caldeira, K.M., Wilcox, H.C., O'Grady, K.E. (2011). Help-seeking and mental health service utilization among college students with a history of suicide ideation. Psychiatric Services. 62(12), 1510-1513. doi:10.1176/; PMC3246367; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., O'Grady, K.E. (2011). Substance-related traffic-risk behaviors among college students. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 118(2-3), 306-312. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2011.04.012; PMC3161136; Research Brief
Arria, A.M. (2011). Compromised sleep quality and low GPA among college students who use prescription stimulants nonmedically. Sleep Medicine. 12(6), 536-537. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2011.04.001
Arria, A.M., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D. (2011). Persistent nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among college students: Possible association with ADHD symptoms. Journal of Attention Disorders. 15(5), 347-356. doi:10.1177/1087054710367621; PMC2939927; Research Brief
Falls, B.J., Wish, E.D., Garnier, L.M., Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2011). The association between early conduct problems and early marijuana use in college students. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 20(3), 221-236. doi:10.1080/1067828X.2011.581900; PMC3163297; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2011). Prescription analgesic use among young adults: Adherence to physician instructions and diversion. Pain Medicine. 12(6), 898-903. doi:10.1111/j.1526-4637.2011.01107.x; PMC3117100; Research Brief
O'Brien, M.C., Arria, A.M., Howland, J., James, J.E., Marczinski, C.A. (2011). Caffeine, alcohol, and youth: A toxic mix. Journal of Caffeine Research. 1(1), 15-21. doi:10.1089/caf.2011.1202
Arria, A.M., O'Brien, M.C. (2011). The "high" risk of energy drinks. Journal of the American Medical Association. 305(6), 600-601. doi:10.1001/jama.2011.109; PMC3038341
Kasperski, S.J., Vincent, K.B., Caldeira, K.M., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., O'Grady, K.E., Arria, A.M. (2011). College students' use of cocaine: Results from a longitudinal study. Addictive Behaviors. 36(4), 408-411. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2010.12.002; PMC3075599; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Kasperski, S.J., Vincent, K.B., Griffiths, R.R., O'Grady, K.E. (2011). Energy drink consumption and increased risk for alcohol dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 35(2), 365-375. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2010.01352.x; PMC3058776; Research Brief
Wilcox, H.C., Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Pinchevsky, G.M., O'Grady, K.E. (2010). Prevalence and predictors of persistent suicide ideation, plans, and attempts during college. Journal of Affective Disorders. 127(1), 287-294. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2010.04.017; PMC2924459; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., DuPont, R.L. (2010). Nonmedical prescription stimulant use among college students: Why we need to do something and what we need to do. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 29(4), 417-426. doi:10.1080/10550887.2010.509273; PMC2951617; Research Brief
Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Pinchevsky, G.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2010). Self-reported adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms among college students. Journal of American College Health. 59(2), 133-136. doi:10.1080/07448481.2010.483718; PMC2946360; Research Brief
Beck, K.H., Kasperski, S.J., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Arria, A.M. (2010). Trends in alcohol-related traffic risk behaviors among college students. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 34(8), 1472-1478. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2010.01232.x; PMC2910159; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Kasperski, S.J., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Griffiths, R.R., Wish, E.D. (2010). Increased alcohol consumption, nonmedical prescription drug use, and illicit drug use are associated with energy drink consumption among college students. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 4(2), 74-80. doi:10.1097/ADM.0b013e3181aa8dd4; PMC2923814; Research Brief
Garnier, L.M., Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D. (2010). Sharing and selling of prescription medications in a college student sample. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 71(3), 262-269. doi:10.4088/JCP.09m05189ecr; PMC2845992; Research Brief
Vincent, K.B., Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D., Arria, A.M. (2010). The impact of positive and negative ecstasy-related information on ecstasy use among college students: Results of a longitudinal study. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy. 17(3), 232-247. doi:10.1080/09687630802403795; PMC2971685; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., DuPont, R.L. (2009). Let's end nonmedical use of stimulants. Family Practice News. 39(17), 29-29. doi:10.1016/S0300-7073(09)70769-8
Caldeira, K.M., Kasperski, S.J., Sharma, E., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D., Arria, A.M. (2009). College students rarely seek help despite serious substance use problems. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 37(4), 368-378. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2009.04.005; PMC2783958; Research Brief
Caldeira K.M., Arria A.M., O'Grady K.E., Zarate E.M., Vincent K.B., Wish E.D. (2009). Prospective associations between alcohol and drug consumption and risky sex among female college students. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. 53(2), 71-92. PMC2806636; Research Brief
Garnier, L.M., Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D. (2009). Nonmedical prescription analgesic use and concurrent alcohol consumption among college students. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 35(5), 334-338. doi:10.1080/00952990903075059; PMC2829719; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Vincent, K.B., Caldeira, K.M. (2009). Measuring liability for substance use disorder among college students: Implications for screening and early intervention. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 35(4), 233-241. doi:10.1080/00952990903005957; PMC2829709; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Wilcox, H.C., Wish, E.D. (2009). Suicide ideation among college students: A multivariate analysis. Archives of Suicide Research. 13(3), 230-246. doi:10.1080/13811110903044351; PMC2709750; Research Brief
Beck, K.H., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D., Arria, A.M. (2009). The social context of cannabis use: Relationship to cannabis use disorders and depressive symptoms among college students. Addictive Behaviors. 34(9), 764-768. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2009.05.001; PMC2709927; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., O'Grady K.E., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Wish, E.D. (2008). Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants and analgesics: Associations with social and academic behaviors among college students. Journal of Drug Issues. 38(4), 1045-1060. doi:10.1177/002204260803800406; PMC2857807; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Fitzelle, D.B., Johnson, E.P., Wish, E.D. (2008). Drug exposure opportunities and use patterns among college students: Results of a longitudinal prospective cohort study. Substance Abuse. 29(4), 19-38. doi:10.1080/08897070802418451; PMC2614283; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D. (2008). Perceived harmfulness predicts nonmedical use of prescription drugs among college students: Interactions with sensation-seeking. Prevention Science. 9(3), 191-201. doi:10.1007/s11121-008-0095-8; PMC2574828; Research Brief
Arria, A.M. (2008). Underage drinking and alcohol dependence among college students: An update from the College Life Study. Maryland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration: Compass. 2008(2), 1-2.
O'Grady, K.E., Arria, A.M., Fitzelle, D.B., Wish, E.D. (2008). Heavy drinking and polydrug use among college students. Journal of Drug Issues. 38(2), 445-466. doi:10.1177/002204260803800204; PMC2567115; Research Brief
Beck, K.H., Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D. (2008). Social context of drinking and alcohol problems among college students. American Journal of Health Behavior. 32(4), 420-430. doi:10.5993/AJHB.32.4.9; PMC2390773; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Kuhn, V., Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Wish, E.D. (2008). High school drinking mediates the relationship between parental monitoring and college drinking: A longitudinal analysis. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 3(6). doi:10.1186/1747-597X-3-6; PMC2311290; Research Brief
Caldeira, K.M., Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Wish, E.D. (2008). The occurrence of cannabis use disorders and other cannabis-related problems among first-year college students. Addictive Behaviors. 33(3), 397-411. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2007.10.001; PMC2247439; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Johnson, E.P., Wish, E.D. (2008). Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among college students: Associations with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder and polydrug use. Pharmacotherapy. 28(2), 156-169. doi:10.1592/phco.28.2.156; PMC2906759; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., Wish, E.D. (2006). Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among students. Pediatric Annals, 35(8), 565-571. PMC3168781 (also published in Psychiatric Annals, 2005, 35(3), 228-235.
Wish, E.D., Fitzelle, D.B., O'Grady, K.E., Hsu, M.H., Arria, A.M. (2006). Evidence for significant polydrug use among ecstasy-using college students. Journal of American College Health, 55(2), 99-104. doi:10.3200/JACH.55.2.99-104; PMC3005618
Levy, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D., Arria, A.M. (2005). An in-depth qualitative examination of the ecstasy experience: Results of a focus group with ecstasy using college students. Substance Use and Misuse, 40(9/10), 1427-1441. doi:10.1081/JA-200066810; PMC2948966
Arria, A.M. (2005). Nonmedical use of prescription drugs: Preliminary findings from the College Life Study. Epidemiologic trends in drug abuse, Volume II: Proceedings of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, June 2004. NIH Publication No. 05-5365A, 305-306.
Kennedy, M.H., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., Smith, S.A., Arria, A.M. (2024). In harm’s way: Do college students’ beliefs about cannabis put them at risk for use? Journal of American College Health. 72(8), 2588-2596. doi:10.1080/07448481.2022.2119404; PMC9995616
Jernigan, D.H., Cureg, J.B., Mitchell, M., Arria, A.M. (2023). Improving campus alcohol policies through assessment and scoring. Health Promotion Practice. 24(2), 366-372. doi:10.1177/15248399211056302
Maryland Collaborative to Reduce College Drinking and Related Problems. (2020). Reducing alcohol use and related problems among college students: A guide to best practices (third edition). University of Maryland School of Public Health, College Park, MD and the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
Parisi, C.E., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., Soong, A.M., Arria, A.M. (2019). Risks associated with alcohol and marijuana use among college student athletes: The case for involving athletic personnel in prevention and intervention. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics. 12, 343-364. PMC6777729; Research Brief
Jernigan, D.H., Shields, K., Mitchell, M., Arria, A.M. (2019). Assessing campus alcohol policies: Measuring accessibility, clarity, and effectiveness. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 43(5), 1007-1015. doi:10.1111/acer.14017; PMC6502686
Arria, A.M., Jernigan, D.H. (2018). Addressing college drinking as a statewide public health problem: Key findings from the Maryland Collaborative. Health Promotion Practice. 19(2), 303-313. doi:10.1177/1524839917711399; PMC5711644
Bugbee, B.A., Caldeira, K.M., Soong, A.M., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2016). Collegiate recovery programs: A win-win proposition for students and colleges. College Park, MD: Center on Young Adult Health and Development.
Aluri, J., Terzian, A., Mojtabai, R., Arria, A.M. (in press). Prevalence of on-campus student mental health services at U.S. colleges and universities: A web-based analysis. Psychiatric Services. 10.1176/
Trangenstein, P.J., Yeh, J.-C., Sparks, A., Arria, A.M., Greenfield, T.K., Jernigan, D.H. (in press). Harms from others' drinking and key indicators of the college experience in the United States. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 10.15288/jsad.24-00170
Yeh, J.-C., Trangenstein, P.J., Tiongson, P.J.D., Arria, A.M., Greenfield, T.K., Jernigan, D.H. (in press). Harms from others’ drinking among college students: Prevalence and risk factors, 2022. Drug and Alcohol Review. 10.1111/dar.13992
Aluri, J., Byregowda, H., Arria, A.M. (in press). Associations between college enrollment and trends in substance use among young adults in the US from 2015-2019. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 10.1080/00952990.2024.2400923
Aluri, J., Terzian, A., Mojtabai, R., Arria, A.M. (in press). ADHD assessment and treatment services among a national sample of US colleges and universities. Psychiatric Services. 10.1176/
Arria, A.M., Parisi, C.E., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B. (in press). Implementation of a computerized tool to address barriers to academic success among college students. Journal of American College Health. 10.1080/07448481.2024.2317166
Smith, S.A., Arria, A.M., Fryer, C.S., Roy, K., Dyer, T., Green, K.M. (in press). "It just felt nice to be able to scream”: A qualitative examination of the experiences of college students participating in the Black Lives Matter movement. Journal of Adolescent Research. 10.1177/07435584231202216
Aram, J., Slopen, N., Cosgrove, C., Arria, A.M., Liu, H., Dallal, C.M. (2024). Self-reported disability type and risk of alcohol-induced death -- A longitudinal study using nationally representative data. Substance Use and Misuse, 59(9), 1323-1330. 10.1080/10826084.2024.2340993
Aram, J., Dallal, C., Cosgrove, C., Arria, A.M., Liu, H., Lee, M.-L.T., Slopen, N. (2024). The risk of drug overdose death among adults with select types of disabilities – a longitudinal study using nationally representative data. Preventive Medicine. 178(107799). 10.1016/j.ypmed.2023.107799
Aram, J., Slopen, N., Arria, A.M., Liu, H., Dallal, C. (2023). Drug and alcohol use disorders among adults with select disabilities: The national survey on drug use and health. Disability and Health Journal. 16(3):101467. 10.1016/j.dhjo.2023.101467
Arria, A.M., O'Hara, K.K. (2023). Don’t hit snooze: The science behind sleep should be a wake-up call for colleges and universities. LearningWell. 2023. Available online at:
Green, K.M., Doherty, E.E., Bugbee, B.A. (2023). Can early disadvantage be overcome? A life course approach to understanding how disadvantage, education, and social integration impact mortality into middle adulthood among a Black American cohort. Prevention Science. 24(5), 829-840. 10.1007/s11121-022-01408-x; PMC9287823
Arria, A.M., O’Hara, K.K. (2023). Understanding and promoting resilience among college students. Mary Christie Quarterly. 2023(28). Available online at:
Mader, J., Smith, J.M., Smith, J., Afzal, A.R., Arria, A.M., Bugbee, B.A., Winters, K.C. (2022). Correlates of perceived harmfulness of regular cannabis use among Canadian university students before and after legalization. Cannabis. 5(3), 23-35. 10.26828/cannabis/2022.03.003; PMC10212266
Arria, A.M., O’Hara, K.K. (2022). Supporting healthy social interactions for students in a post-pandemic world. Mary Christie Quarterly. 2022(27). Available online at:
Allen, H.K., Lilly, F., Green, K.M., Zanjani, F., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2022). Substance use and mental health problems among graduate students: Individual and program-level correlates. Journal of American College Health. 70(1), 65-73. 10.1080/07448481.2020.1725020; PMC7483200
Allen, H.K.,* Lilly, F., Green, K.M., Zanjani, F., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2022). Graduate student burnout: Substance use, mental health, and the moderating role of advisor satisfaction. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 20(2), 1130-1146. 10.1007/s11469-020-00431-9; PMC8992873
Arria, A.M., Bugbee, B.A., Mader, J., Smith, J.M., Winters, K.C. (2021). Postdischarge outcomes of adolescents attending a long-term addiction treatment program. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment. 20(2), 117-126.10.1097/ADT.0000000000000227
Kilmer, J.R., Fossos-Wong, N., Geisner, I.M., Yeh, J.-C., Larimer, M.E., Cimini, M.D., Vincent, K.B., Allen, H.K., Barrall, A.L., Arria, A.M. (2021). Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants as a “red flag” for other substance use. Substance Use and Misuse. 56(7), 941-949. 10.1080/10826084.2021.1901926; PMC8174530
Allen, H.K., Barrall, A.L., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2021). Stress and burnout among graduate students: Moderation by sleep duration and quality. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 28(1), 21-28. 10.1007/s12529-020-09867-8; PMC7483179
Carter-Pokras, O.D., Bugbee, B.A., Gold, R.S., Lauver, P.E., Aiken, R., Arria, A.M. (2021). Utilizing student health and academic data: A county-level demonstration project. Health Promotion Practice. 22(2), 193-203. 10.1177/1524839919862796; PMC7007844
Allen, H.K., Barrall, A.L., Beck, K.H., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2020). Situational context and motives of alcohol use among graduate student drinkers. Addictive Behaviors. 104:106267. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2019.106267; PMC7024021
Sweeney, M.M., Weaver, D.C., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M., Griffiths, R.R. (2020). Prevalence and correlates of caffeine use disorder symptoms among a United States sample. Journal of Caffeine and Adenosine Research. 10(1), 4-11. 10.1089/caff.2019.0020; PMC7071067;
Arria, A.M., Barrall, A.L., Vincent, K.B., Bugbee, B.A., O'Grady, K.E. (2020). Development of the Measure of Obstacles to Succeeding Academically in College (MOSAIC). Journal of College Student Development. 61(1), 103-108. doi:10.1353/csd.2020.0006
Dubowitz, H., Roesch, S., Metzger, R., Arria, A.M., Thompson, R., English, E. (2019). Child maltreatment, relationship with father, peer substance use, and adolescent marijuana use. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 28(3), 150-159. 10.1080/1067828X.2019.1667285; PMC6857797
Dubowitz, H., Roesch, S., Arria, A.M., Metzger, R., Thompson, R., Kotch, J.B., Lewis, T. (2019). Timing and chronicity of child neglect and substance use in early adulthood. Child Abuse and Neglect. 94, 104027. 10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.104027; PMC6686902
Green, K.M., Arria, A.M. (2019). Will persistent patterns of youth marijuana use compromise their futures? Addiction. 114(6), 1049-1050. 10.1111/add.14612
Smith, J.M., Mader, J., Szeto, A.C.H., Arria, A.M., Winters, K.C., Wilkes, T.C.R. (2019). Cannabis use for medicinal purposes among Canadian university students. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 65(5), 351-355. 10.1177/0706743718818420
DuPont, R.L., Arria, A.M. (2019). Controlled substances in the polydrug epidemic: Response to Diller. American Journal of Psychiatry. 176(1), 78-78.
Bugbee, B.A., Beck, K.H., Fryer, C.S., Arria, A.M. (2019). Substance use, academic performance, and academic engagement among high school seniors. Journal of School Health. 89(2), 145-156. 10.1111/josh.12723; PMC6373775; Research Brief
Arria, A.M., DuPont, R.L. (2018). Prescription stimulant use and misuse: Implications for responsible prescribing practices. American Journal of Psychiatry. 175(8), 707-708. 10.1176/appi.ajp.2018.18050596; PMC6103788
Chen, J.C., Green, K.M., Arria, A.M., Borzekowski, D.L.G. (2018). Prospective predictors of flavored e-cigarette use: A one-year longitudinal study of young adults in the U.S. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 191, 279-285. 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.07.020; PMC6141325
Payne-Sturges, D.C., Tjaden, A., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2018). Student hunger on campus: Food insecurity among college students and implications for academic institutions. American Journal of Health Promotion. 32(2), 349-354. 10.1177/0890117117719620; PMC5552435
Ross, M.M., Arria, A.M., Brown, J.P., Mullins, C.D., Schiffman, J., Simoni-Wastila, L., dosReis, S. (2018). College students’ perceived benefit-to-risk tradeoffs for nonmedical use of prescription stimulants: Implications for intervention designs. Addictive Behaviors. 79, 45-51. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.12.002; PMC5807107
Arria, A.M., Geisner, I.M., Cimini, M.D., Kilmer, J.R., Caldeira, K.M., Barrall, A.L., Vincent, K.B., Fossos-Wong, N., Yeh, J.C., Rhew, I., Lee, C.M., Subramaniam, G.A., Liu, D., Larimer, M.E. (2018). Perceived academic benefit is associated with nonmedical prescription stimulant use among college students. Addictive Behaviors. 76, 27-33. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.07.013; PMC5614826
Arria, A.M., Smith, J.M., Bugbee, B.A., Mader, J., Winters, K.C. (2017). A unique model for adolescent addiction treatment: A description of the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment. 16(3), 129-137. 10.1097/ADT.0000000000000110
Arria, A.M., Compton, W.M. (2017). Complexities in understanding and addressing the serious public health issues related to the nonmedical use of prescription drugs. Addictive Behaviors. 65, 215-217. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.09.002; PMC5140704
Festinger, D.S., Dugosh, K.L., Clements, N., Flynn, A.B., Falco, M., McLellan, A.T., Arria, A.M. (2016). Use of the internet to obtain drugs without a prescription among treatment-involved adolescents and young adults. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 25(5), 480-486. 10.1080/1067828X.2015.1103345
Eze, N., Smith, L.M., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Arria, A.M., Heustis, M.A., DellaGrotta, S.A., Dansereau, L.M., Neal, C., Lester, B.M. (2016). School-aged outcomes following prenatal methamphetamine exposure: 7.5 year follow-up from the Infant Development, Environment, and Lifestyle (IDEAL) Study. Journal of Pediatrics. 170, 34-38.e1. 10.1016/j.jpeds.2015.11.070; PMC4769906
Dubowitz, H., Thompson, R., Arria, A.M., English, D., Metzger, R., Kotch, J.B. (2016). Characteristics of child maltreatment and adolescent marijuana use: A prospective study. Child Maltreatment. 21(1), 16-25. 10.1177/1077559515620853; PMC4713244
Arria, A.M., Bugbee, B.A. (2016). Prescription drug abuse in adolescence. In: The Oxford Handbook of Adolescent Substance Abuse, S.A. Brown and R.A. Zucker (eds.) New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199735662.013.010
Arria, A.M. (2016). Commentary on Maier et al. (2016): Language matters: a call for caution regarding research on nonmedical use of prescription drugs. Addiction. 111(2), 296-297. 10.1111/add.13234
Smith, L.M., Diaz, S., LaGasse, L.L., Wouldes, T., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., Haning, W., Strauss, A., DellaGrotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Neal, C., Lester, B.M. (2015). Developmental and behavioral consequences of prenatal methamphetamine exposure: A review of the Infant Development, Environment, and Lifestyle (IDEAL) Study. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 51, 35-44. 10.1016/; PMC4668928
Mericle, A.A., Arria, A.M., Meyers, K., Cacciola, J., Winters, K.C., Kirby, K. (2015). National trends in adolescent substance use disorders and treatment availability: 2003-2010. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 24(5), 255-263. 10.1080/1067828X.2013.829008; PMC4570487
Arria, A.M., Kirby, K.C. (2015). Introduction to special issue: Translational research to help parents respond to adolescent substance use problems. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 24(3), 131-133. 10.1080/1067828X.2013.777376; PMC4405251
Cacciola, J.S., Meyers, K., Bates, S.E., Rosenwasser, B., Arria, A.M., McLellan, A.T. (2015). Assessing adolescent substance abuse programs with updated quality indicators: The development of a consumer guide for adolescent treatment. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 24(3), 142-154. 10.1080/1067828X.2013.777378; PMC4583134
Kirby, K.C., Versek, B., Kerwin, M.E., Meyers, K., Benishek, L.A., Bresani, E., Washio, Y., Arria, A.M., Meyers, R.J. (2015). Developing Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) for parents of treatment-resistant adolescents. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 24(3), 155-165. 10.1080/1067828X.2013.777379; PMC4394369
Himes, S.K., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Smith, L.M., Arria, A.M., DellaGrotta, S.A., Dansereau, L.M., Abar, B., Neal, C.R., Lester, B.M., Huestis, M.A. (2014). Risk for neurobehavioral disinhibition in prenatal methamphetamine-exposed young children with positive hair toxicology results. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 36(4), 535-543. 10.1097/FTD.0000000000000049; PMC4101149
Diaz, S.D., Smith, L.M., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., DellaGrotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Neal, C., Lester, B.M. (2014). Effects of prenatal methamphetamine exposure on behavioral and cognitive findings at 7.5 years of age. Journal of Pediatrics. 164(6), 1333-1338. 10.1016/j.jpeds.2014.01.053; PMC4035384
Kiblawi, Z.N., Smith, L.M., Diaz, S.D., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Heustis, M.A., Haning, W., Strauss, A., DellaGrotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Neal, C.R., Lester, B.M. (2014). Prenatal methamphetamine exposure and neonatal and infant neurobehavioral outcome: Results from the IDEAL Study. Substance Abuse. 35(1), 68-73. 10.1080/08897077.2013.814614.; PMC3942806
Abar, B., LaGasse, L.L., Wouldes, T., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Smith, L.M., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., DellaGrotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Wilcox, T., Neal, C.R., Lester, B.M. (2014). Cross-national comparison of prenatal methamphetamine exposure on infant and early child physical growth: A natural experiment. Prevention Science. 15(5), 767-776. 10.1007/s11121-013-0431-5; PMC3947752
Washio, Y., Fairfax-Columbo, J., Ball, E., Cassey, H., Arria, A.M., Bresani, E., Curtis, B.L., Kirby, K.C. (2014). A review of guidelines on home drug testing websites for parents. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 8(4), 258-263. 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000042; PMC4122632
Kaynak, Ö., Winters, K.C., Cacciola, J., Kirby, K.C., Arria, A.M. (2014). Providing alcohol for underage youth: What messages should we be sending parents? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 75(4), 590-605. PMC4108600
Abar, B., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Smith, L.M., Arria, A.M., Heustis, M.A., DellaGrotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Neal, C., Lester, B. (2013). Examining the relationships between prenatal methamphetamine exposure, early adversity, and child neurobehavioral disinhibition. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 27(3), 662-673. 10.1037/a0030157; PMC3842232
DuPont, R.L., Merlo, L., Arria, A.M., Shea, C. (2013). Random student drug testing as a school-based drug prevention strategy. Addiction. 108(5), 839-845. 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.03978.x; PMC3505268
DuPont, R.L., Caldeira, K.M., DuPont, H.S., Vincent, K.B., Shea, C.L., Arria, A.M. (2013). America's dropout crisis: The unrecognized connection to adolescent substance use. Rockville, MD: Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc. 10.13140/RG.2.1.5038.4485
Wu, M., Lagasse, L.L., Wouldes, T.A., Arria, A.M., Wilcox, T., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Smith, L.M., Neal, C.R., Huestis, M.A., Dellagrotta, S., Lester, B.M. (2013). Predictors of inadequate prenatal care in methamphetamine-using mothers in New Zealand and the United States. Maternal Child Health Journal. 17(3), 566-575. 10.1007/s10995-012-1033-8; PMC3717345
Kirlic, N., Newman, E., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Shah, R., Smith, L.M., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., Haning, W., Strauss, A., DellaGrotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Abar, B., Neal, C.R., Lester, B.M. (2013). Cortisol reactivity in two-year-old children prenatally exposed to methamphetamine. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 74(3), 447-451. PMC3602361
Twomey, J.E., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Smith, L.M., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M., DellaGrotta, S., Roberts, M., Dansereau, L., Neal, C., Lester, B. (2013). Prenatal methamphetamine exposure, home environment, and primary caregiver risk factors predict child behavior problems at five years. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 3(1), 64-72. 10.1111/ajop.12007; PMC3721329
Arria, A.M., Mericle, A.A., Rallo, D., Moe, J., White, W.L., Winters, K.C., O'Connor, G. (2013). Integration of parenting skills education and interventions in addiction treatment. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 7(1), 1-7. 10.1097/ADM.0b013e318270f7b0; PMC3562421
Wouldes, T.A., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Smith, L.M., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., DellaGrotta, S., Wilcox, T., Neal, C.R., Lester, B.M. (2013). Co-morbidity of substance use disorder and psychopathology in women who use methamphetamine during pregnancy in the US and New Zealand. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 127(1-3), 101-107. 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.06.016; PMC3498544
Kiblawi, Z.N., Smith, L.M., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., DellaGrotta, S.A., Dansereau, L.M., Neal, C., Lester, B.M. (2013). The effect of prenatal methamphetamine exposure on attention as assessed by continuous performance tests: Results from the Infant Development, Environment, and Lifestyle (IDEAL) Study. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 34(1), 31-37. 10.1097/DBP.0b013e318277a1c5; PMC3800474
Winters, K.C., Botzet, A., Fahnhorst, T., Arria, A.M., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., Oliver, J. (2012). Social factors and addiction syndrome. In H.J. Shaffer (Ed.), APA addiction syndrome handbook: Volume 1. Foundations, influences, and expressions of addiction (pp.229-250). American Psychological Association: Washington, DC. 10.1037/13751-012
Jones, H.E., Kaltenbach, K., Heil, S.H., Stine, S.M., Coyle, M.G., Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., Selby, P., Martin, P.R. (2012). Nonserious adverse events in randomized trials with opioid-dependent pregnant women: Direct versus indirect measurement. American Journal on Addictions. 21(s1), s1-s4. 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2012.00289.x; PMC3493701
Liles, B., Newman, E., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Shah, R., Smith, L.M., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., Haning, W., Strauss, A., Della Grotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Neal, C., Lester, B.M. (2012). Perceived child behavior problems, parenting stress, and maternal depressive symptoms among prenatal methamphetamine users. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 43(6), 943-957. 10.1007/s10578-012-0305-2; PMC3717339
Benningfield, M.M., Dietrich, M.S., Jones, H.E., Kaltenbach, K., Heil, S.H., Stine, S.M., Coyle, M.G., Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., Fischer, G., Martin, P.R. (2012). Opioid dependence during pregnancy: Relationships of anxiety and depression symptoms to treatment outcomes. Addiction. 107(Supplement S1), 74-82. 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.04041.x; PMC4315620
Gaalema, D.E., Scott, T.L., Heil, S.H., Coyle, M.G., Kaltenbach, K., Badger, G.J., Arria, A.M., Stine, S.M., Martin, P.R., Jones, H.E. (2012). Differences in the profile of neonatal abstinence syndrome signs in methadone- vs. buprenorphine-exposed neonates. Addiction. 107(Supplement S1), 53-62. 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.04039.x; PMC4165073
Jones, H.E., Fischer, G., Heil, S.H., Kaltenbach, K., Martin, P.R., Coyle, M.G., Selby, P., Stine, S.M., O'Grady, K.E., Arria, A.M. (2012). Maternal Opioid Treatment: Human Experimental Research (MOTHER)-Approach, issues, and lessons learned. Addiction. 107(Supplement S1), 28-35. 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.04036.x
Jones, H.E., Heil, S.H., Baewert, A., Arria, A.M., Kaltenbach, K., Martin, P.R., Coyle, M.G., Selby, P., Stine, S.M., Fischer, G. (2012). Buprenorphine treatment of opioid-dependent pregnant women: A comprehensive review. Addiction. 107(Supplement S1), 5-27. 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.04035.x; PMC4506646
Smith, L., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M., Haning, W., Strauss, A., DellaGrotta S., Dansereau, L., Neal, C., Lester, B.M. (2012). Growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children prenatally exposed to methamphetamine. Neurotoxicology & Teratology. 34(3), 375-376.
Smith, L.M., Paz, M.S., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., Haning, W., Strauss, A., Della Grotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Neal, C., Lester, B.M. (2012). Maternal depression and prenatal exposure to methamphetamine: Neurodevelopmental findings from the Infant Development, Environment, and Lifestyle (IDEAL) Study. Depression and Anxiety. 29(6), 515-522. 10.1002/da.21956; PMC3717341
Mericle, A.A., Ta Park, V.M., Holck, P., Arria, A.M. (2012). Prevalence, patterns, and correlates of co-occurring substance use and mental disorders in the United States: Variations by race/ethnicity. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 53(6), 657-665. 10.1016/j.comppsych.2011.10.002; PMC3327759
Derauf, C., LaGasse, L.L., Smith, L.M., Newman, E., Shah, R., Neal, C., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., Della Grotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Lin, H., Lester, B.M. (2012). Prenatal methamphetamine exposure and inhibitory control among young school-age children. The Journal of Pediatrics. 161(3), 452-459. 10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.02.002
Arria, A.M., McLellan, A.T. (2012). Evolution of concept, but not action, in addiction treatment. Substance Use and Misuse. 47(8-9), 1041-1048. 10.3109/10826084.2012.663273; PMC3375602
Arria, A.M., Mericle, A.A., Meyers, K., Winters, K.C. (2012). Parental substance use impairment, parenting and substance use disorder risk. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 43(1), 114-122. 10.1016/j.jsat.2011.10.001; PMC3289725
Zabaneh, R., Smith, L.M., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M., Haning, W., Strauss, A., Della Grotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Lin, H., Neal, C., Lester, B.M. (2012). The effects of prenatal methamphetamine exposure on childhood growth patterns from birth to three years of age. American Journal of Perinatology. 29(3), 203-10. 10.1055/s-0031-1285094; PMC3717349
Shah, R., Copes, S.D., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M., Haning, W., Smith, L.M., Strauss, A., Della Grotta, S., Dansereau, L.M., Roberts, M., Lester, B.M. (2012). Prenatal methamphetamine exposure and short-term maternal and neonatal medical outcomes. American Journal of Perinatology. 29(5), 391-400. 10.1055/s-0032-1304818; PMC3717348
LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Smith, L.M., Newman, E., Shah, R., Neal, C., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., Della Grotta, S., Lin, H., Dansereau, L.M., Lester, B.M. (2012). Prenatal methamphetamine exposure and childhood behavior problems at 3 and 5 years of age. Pediatrics. 129(4), 681-688. 10.1542/peds.2011-2209; PMC3313637
Unger, A., Jagsch, R., Jones, H.E., Arria, A.M., Leitich, H., Rohrmeister, K., Aschauer, C., Winklbaur, B., Baewert, A., Fischer, G. (2011). Randomized controlled trials in pregnancy: Scientific and ethical aspects. Exposure to different opioid medications during pregnancy in an intra-individual comparison. Addiction. 106(7), 1355-1362. 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03440.x; PMC3107876
Winters, K.C., Arria, A.M. (2011). Adolescent brain development and drugs. The Prevention Researcher. 18(2), 21-24.
Berger, L.K., Fendrich, M., Chen, H.-Y., Arria, A.M., Cisler, R.A. (2011). Sociodemographic correlates of energy drink consumption with and without alcohol: Results of a community survey. Addictive Behaviors. 36(5), 516-519. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2010.12.027; PMC3073443
Heil, S.H., Jones, H.E., Arria, A.M., Kaltenbach, K., Coyle, M., Fischer, G., Stine, S., Selby, P., Martin, P.R. (2011). Unintended pregnancy in opioid-abusing women. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 40(2), 199-202. 10.1016/j.jsat.2010.08.011; PMC3052960
LaGasse, L.L., Wouldes, T., Newman, E., Smith, L.M., Shah, R.Z., Derauf, C., Huestis, M.A., Arria, A.M., Della Grotta, S., Wilcox, T., Lester, B.M. (2011). Prenatal methamphetamine exposure and neonatal neurobehavioral outcome in the USA and New Zealand. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 33(1), 166-175. 10.1016/; PMC2974956
Smith, L.M., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Newman, E., Shah, R., Haning, W., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., Strauss, A., Della Grotta, S.A., Dansereau, L.M., Lin, H., Lester, B.M. (2011). Motor and cognitive outcomes through three years of age in children exposed to prenatal methamphetamine. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 33(1), 176-184. 10.1016/; PMC3033584
Derauf, C., LaGasse, L.L., Smith, L.M., Newman, E., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., Haning, W., Strauss, A., Della Grotta, S.A., Dansereau, L.M., Lin, H., Lester, B.M. (2011). Infant temperament and high-risk environment relate to behavior problems and language in toddlers. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 32(2), 125-135. 10.1097/DBP.0b013e31820839d7; PMC3095893
Jones, H.E., Kaltenbach, K., Heil, S.H., Stine, S.M., Coyle, M.G., Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., Selby, P., Martin, P.R., Fischer, G. (2010). Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome following methadone or buprenorphine exposure. New England Journal of Medicine. 363(24), 2320-2331. 10.1056/NEJMoa1005359; PMC3073631
Arria, A.M., Moe, J., Winters, K.C. (2010). Parenting challenges in recovery. Counselor: The Magazine for Addiction Professionals. 11(6).
Nguyen, D., Smith, L.M., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Grant, P., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M.A., Haning, W., Strauss, A., Della Grotta, S., Liu, J., Lester, B.M. (2010). Intrauterine growth of infants exposed to prenatal methamphetamine: Results from the Infant Development, Environment, and Lifestyle (IDEAL) Study. Journal of Pediatrics. 157(2), 337-339. 10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.04.024; PMC3018351
Benningfield, M.M., Arria, A.M., Kaltenbach, K., Heil, S.H., Stine, S.M., Coyle, M.G., Fischer G., Jones, H.E., Martin, P.R. (2010). Co-occurring psychiatric symptoms are associated with increased psychological, social, and medical impairment in opioid dependent pregnant women. American Journal on Addictions. 19(5), 416-421. 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2010.00064.x; PMC2924760
Gray, T.R., Kelly, T.L., LaGasse, L.L., Smith, L.M., Derauf, C., Grant, P., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Haning, W., Della Grotta, S.A., Strauss, A., Lester, B.M., Huestis, M.A. (2010). New meconium biomarkers of prenatal methamphetamine exposure increase identification of affected neonates. Clinical Chemistry. 56(5), 856-60. 10.1373/clinchem.2009.139055; PMC2883877
Della Grotta, S.A., LaGasse, L.L., Arria, A.M., Derauf, C., Grant, P., Smith, L.M., Shah, R., Huestis, M., Liu, J., Lester, B.M. (2010). Patterns of methamphetamine use during pregnancy: Results from the Infant Development, Environment, and Lifestyle (IDEAL) Study. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 14(4), 519-527 10.1007/s10995-009-0491-0; PMC2895902
Unger, A., Martin, P.R., Kaltenbach, K., Stine, S.M., Heil, S.H., Jones, H.E., Arria, A.M., Coyle, M.G., Selby, P., Fischer G. (2010). Clinical characteristics of Central European and North American samples of pregnant women screened for opioid agonist treatment. European Addiction Research. 16(2), 99-107. 10.1159/000284683; PMC2917735
Jones, H.E., Heil, S.H., O'Grady, K.E., Martin, P.R., Kaltenbach, K., Coyle, M.G., Stine, S.M., Selby, P., Arria, A.M., Fischer, G. (2009). Smoking in pregnant women screened for an opioid agonist medication study compared to related pregnant and non-pregnant patient samples. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 35(5), 375-380. 10.1080/00952990903125235; PMC2925409
Paz, M.S., Smith, L.M., LaGasse, L.L., Derauf, C., Grant, P., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Huestis, M., Haning, W., Strauss, A., Della Grotta, S., Liu, J. Lester, B.M. (2009). Maternal depression and neurobehavior in newborns prenatally exposed to methamphetamine. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 31(3), 177-182. 10.1016/; PMC2684459
Martin, P.R., Arria, A.M., Fischer, G., Kaltenbach, K., Heil, S.H., Stine, S.M., Coyle, M.G., Selby, P., Jones, H.E. (2009). Psychopharmacologic management of opioid dependent women during pregnancy. American Journal on Addictions. 18(2), 148-156. 10.1080/10550490902772975; PMC2777700
Stine, S.M., Heil, S.H., Kaltenbach, K., Martin, P.R., Coyle, M.G., Fischer, G., Arria, A.M., Selby, P., Jones, H.E. (2009). Characteristics of opioid-using pregnant women who accept or refuse participation in a clinical trial: Screening results from the MOTHER study. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 35(6), 429-433. 10.3109/00952990903374080; PMC2925421
Gray, T.R., LaGasse, L.L., Smith, L.M., Derauf, C., Grant, P., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Della Grotta, S.A., Strauss, A., Haning, W.F., Lester, B.M., Huestis, M.A. (2009). Identification of prenatal amphetamines exposure by maternal interview and meconium toxicology in the Infant Development, Environment and Lifestyle (IDEAL) Study. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 31(6), 769-775. 10.1097/FTD.0b013e3181bb438e; PMC2784609
Gray, T.R., Kelly, T., LaGasse, L.L., Smith, L.M., Derauf, C., Haning, W., Grant, P., Shah, R., Arria, A.M., Strauss, A., Lester, B.M., Huestis, M.A. (2009). Novel biomarkers of prenatal methamphetamine exposure in human meconium. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 31(1), 70-75. 10.1097/FTD.0b013e318195d7cb; PMC2629503
Pediatricians first responders for preventing substance use
Marijuana is not a public health solution to the opioid crisis
Does socioeconomic advantage lessen the risk of adolescent substance use?
The collegiate recovery movement is gaining strength
Considerations for policymakers regarding involuntary commitment for substance use disorders
Widening the lens on the opioid crisis
Web Resources
- Tools and scripts to improve communication with your college student
- Six components of effective parenting: Help reduce the chances your child will develop a drug or alcohol problem
- Family checkup: Positive parenting prevents drug abuse (from the National Institute on Drug Abuse)
- 5 Mistakes Parents Make With Teens and Tweens
- Don't Toast Your Teen
- America's dropout crisis: The unrecognized connection to adolescent substance use
Fact Sheets
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Allen, H.K., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2017). Prevalence and incidence of drug use among college students: An 8-year longitudinal analysis. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 43(6), 711-718. doi:10.1080/00952990.2017.1310219; PMC5638668
Caldeira, K.M., Arria, A.M., Allen, H.K., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2017). Continuity of drunk and drugged driving behaviors four years post-college. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 180, 332-339. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.08.032; PMC5648635
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2017). Trajectories of energy drink consumption and subsequent drug use during young adulthood. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 179, 424-432. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.06.008
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2016). Energy drink use patterns among young adults: Associations with drunk driving. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 40(11), 2456-2466. doi:10.1111/acer.13229; PMC5074694
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Moshkovich, O., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2014). Providing alcohol to underage youth: The view from young adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 38(6), 1790-1798. doi:10.1111/acer.12426; PMC4049187
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Bugbee, B.A., O'Grady, K.E. (2014). False identification use among college students increases the risk for alcohol use disorder: Results of a longitudinal study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 38(3), 834-843. doi:10.1111/acer.12261; PMC3959274
Arria, A.M., Bugbee, B.A., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B. (2014). Evidence and knowledge gaps for the association between energy drink use and high-risk behaviors among adolescents and young adults. Nutrition Reviews. 72(S1), 87-97. doi:10.1111/nure.12129; PMC4196711
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E. (2013). The academic opportunity costs of substance use during college. College Park, MD: Center on Young Adult Health and Development.
DuPont, R.L., Caldeira, K.M., DuPont, H.S., Vincent, K.B., Shea, C.L., Arria, A.M. (2013). America's dropout crisis: The unrecognized connection to adolescent substance use. Rockville, MD: Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc.
Arria, A.M., O'Brien, M.C., Griffiths, R.R., Crawford, P.B., et al. (2013). Letter to Commissioner Hamburg regarding the use of caffeine in energy drinks.
Caldeira, K.M., Singer, B.J., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2012). HIV testing in recent college students: Prevalence and correlates. AIDS Education and Prevention. 24(4), 363-376.
Arria, A.M., O'Brien, M.C. (2011). The "high" risk of energy drinks. Journal of the American Medical Association. 305(6), 600-601.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., O'Grady, K.E. (2011). Substance-related traffic-risk behaviors among college students. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 118(2-3), 306-312. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2011.04.012; PMC3161136
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Kasperski, S.J., Vincent, K.B., Griffiths, R.R., O'Grady, K.E. (2011). Energy drink consumption and increased risk for alcohol dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 35(2), 365-375. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2010.01352.x; PMC3058776
Beck, K.H., Kasperski, S.J., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Arria, A.M. (2010). Trends in alcohol-related traffic risk behaviors among college students. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 34(8), 1472-1478. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2010.01232.x; PMC2910159
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Kasperski, S.J., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., Griffiths, R.R., Wish, E.D. (2010). Increased alcohol consumption, nonmedical prescription drug use, and illicit drug use are associated with energy drink consumption among college students. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 4(2), 74-80. doi:10.1097/ADM.0b013e3181aa8dd4; PMC2923814
Vincent, K.B., Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D., Arria, A.M. (2010). The impact of positive and negative ecstasy-related information on ecstasy use among college students: Results of a longitudinal study. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy. 17(3), 232-247. doi:10.1080/09687630802403795; PMC2971685
Arria, A.M., DuPont, R.L. (2010). Nonmedical prescription stimulant use among college students: Why we need to do something and what we need to do. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 29(4), 417-426. doi:10.1080/10550887.2010.509273; PMC2951617
ScienceDaily Staff. (2010). Alcohol-related traffic-risk behaviors among college students become worse at age 21. ScienceDaily.
Arria, A.M., DuPont, R.L. (2009). Let's end nonmedical use of stimulants. Family Practice News. 39(17), 29-29.
Arria, A.M., O'Brien, M.C. (2009). Letter to Attorneys General Blumenthal, Shurtleff, and Limtiaco regarding the use of caffeine in alcoholic beverages.
Partnership Editorial Staff. (2009). Stimulant abuse on campus. The Drug and Alcohol Scene: The Latest Drug & Alcohol News from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.
Adams, J.U. (2008). A closer look: Energy drinks: A push over the edge? Los Angeles Times.
Harding, A. (2008). Keep tabs on teens to prevent college drinking. Reuters.
Arria, A.M. (2008). Underage drinking and alcohol dependence among college students: An update from the College Life Study. Maryland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration: Compass. 2008(2), 1-2.