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October 17, 2022

Inaugural SPH Convocation & Movie Screening (The Hate U Give)

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
The Hate U Give movie image

Location: School of Public Health building, room 1312 (the large lecture hall)

Join us for the first annual, fall signature event for the School of Public Health community to connect to our history, the principles and ethics of public health, and our SPH TerrapinSTRONG ethos. 

The following is scheduled to take place in the School of Public Health building, room 1312 (the large lecture hall).

  • Welcome and discussion of our community's history, the principles and ethics of public health, and our SPH TerrapinSTRONG ethos [SPH Dean Boris Lushniak] to include: 
    • Public premiere of SPH TerrapinSTRONG Video, community reading of shared ethos [Boris Lushniak]
    • Reflections and sharing about 2nd Lt. Richard Collins III, the Collins' family history, and Dawn Collins' lifelong commitment to end hate and racism [Dawn Collins and Jeanette Snider w/ the Social Justice Alliance]
    • Announcement of the inaugural "2nd Lieutenant Richard W. Collins II "Courage Against Hate" student award [Erin McClure, Dawn Collins, Ron Mower-inaugural faculty awardee, Spring 2022]
  • Movie screening of The Hate U Give with message from Global Public Health Scholars Director [Lis Maring]
  • Raffle throughout the event for TerrapinSTRONG swag and SPH swag
  • Popcorn and hot chocolate provided

This event is open to the SPH community and its campus and community partners. It is student centered with inclusion of faculty and staff for a full community gathering.


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