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Calvert County Public Schools Partnership

The UMD School of Public Health has had a long-standing partnership with the health curriculum team in the Calvert County Public Schools System. Teams of SPH students have prepared health curricula and activities for middle and high school students. In the Spring of 2023, the Office of Public Health Practice & Community Engagement partnered again with the health curriculum team to assist in developing the classroom activities and materials for the Health 2 high school curriculum to be implemented in the Fall of 2023.

CCPS Projects

In addition to assisting with content development for the Health II curriculum, the Office is conducting a needs assessment of both parents and students in Calvert County public high schools to determine the understanding and desires for comprehensive health education, including sex and sexuality education in high school. To learn more about conversations related to comprehensive health education in Calvert County, visit their Board of Education website.

More information about the community needs assessment will be published on this page as the project develops.

Red and yellow poster
Poster prepared for the 2023 Spring Dean's Advisory Council Meeting.