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December 6, 2022

ORISE Internships and Fellowships Informational Session

Orise infosession 2023

Location: Virtual

Join us at the ORISE Informational Session to learn more about internships and fellowships at ORISE! The presentation will spotlight opportunities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Health and Human Services (HHS), the National Institutes of Health (NIH),  and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This session will also include general information about searching and applying for opportunities. 

ORISE Presenters:

  • Bill Scheib
    Project Manager
    ORISE Programs at FDA
  • Will White, MBA
    Associate Manager, ORISE Programs at CDC and HHS
    Will White currently serves as the associate manager for ORISE STEM Workforce Development programs with CDC and HHS.
  • Jeannie Macquirem, MEd 
    Associate Manager - ORISE Programs at NIH
    Jeannie Macquirem manages the ORISE Participation Programs that are hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at various NIH facilities.  More information about this program can be found at  


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