Three FMSC doctoral students were given special recognition for their presentations at this year’s American Public Health Association Annual Conference. Second year Family Science (FMSC) doctoral student Towanda Street won second place in the Greg Alexander Outstanding Student Abstracts Session for her paper on prenatal care, smoking, and low birth weight. Second year Maternal and Child Health (MCH) doctoral student Anthony Kondracki was awarded an honorable mention in the Greg Alexander Outstanding Student Abstracts Session for his paper on smoking and preterm birth. This session is named after Dr. Greg Alexander, an extraordinary maternal and child health researcher and a mentor of numerous students. In this session, students disseminate findings from their independent or collaborative research projects that investigate a variety of maternal and child health issues,
Second year Maternal and Child Health doctoral student Diana Cassar-Uhl was chosen as an APHA Maternal and Child Health Student Fellow for 2016. Student Fellows serve for a one-year term and participate in the MCH Leadership Skills Development Training program. Each Student Fellow will have opprortunities to participate in business meetings, serve on various comiittees, and be matched with a public health mentor in the MCH field who is serving in a leadership role in the APHA MCH Section.
Third year MCH doctoral student Yassaman Vafai presented her paper titled "Depressive symptoms and contraceptive method effectiveness among women seeking abortions" and fourth year MCH doctoral candidate Andrew Williams presented his paper that examined birth outcomes hotspots in Maryland. Second year MCH doctoral student Lauren Ramsey and fourth year MCH doctoral candidate Ronneal Mathews also had presentations accepted to present at the conference.
These awards and opportunities are very high honors and we are so proud of all of our students!
For a full list of presentations given by our graduate students, click here.