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Renowned Reproductive Health Advocate and UMD Alumna Regina Davis Moss Inspires Change with New Book and Leadership Role

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Regina Davis Moss, PhD, MPH, MCHES, is making waves in the healthcare community. Recently returning from a successful book signing event in Atlanta for her latest work, "Black Women’s Reproductive Health and Sexuality: A Holistic Public Health Approach," Moss has solidified her commitment to empowering Black women and girls with essential health information.

With a career spanning over two decades, Moss serves as resident and CEO of In Our Own Voice: National Black Women's Reproductive Justice Agenda. Founded in 2014, this nonprofit organization, focuses on amplifying the voices of Black women leaders in the fight for reproductive justice. Moss's leadership role involves advocating for policy changes at various levels, coordinating movements and training the next generation of Black reproductive justice leaders.

Her impact extends beyond her current position. As the former associate executive director of the American Public Health Association, she developed strategic collaborations to advance shared values in health, with a special focus on maternal and child health initiatives. Her dedication and accomplishments have not gone unnoticed, earning her prestigious awards such as George Washington University's Milken Institute School of Public Health Distinguished Alumni award in 2022.

Throughout her career, Moss has emphasized the importance of grassroots outreach, measurable programs and compelling storytelling to effect transformative change. Her philosophy centers on empowering vulnerable populations with evidence-based science and research, a commitment that aligns with her role as an educator and advocate.

In her various leadership roles, Moss has demonstrated a dogged determination to make a difference and has been recognized for her integrity and commitment. She believes in leaving communities healthier than she finds them, a principle reflected in her numerous accomplishments and awards, including an Honorable Mention in the Writer's Digest 91st Annual Writing Competition.

Moss's story is one of resilience, dedication and a relentless pursuit of equity in reproductive health. Her impactful journey, from senior producer at the Kaiser Family Foundation to her current role shaping the future of reproductive justice, serves as an inspiration to those striving for positive change in healthcare.

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