Cher Dallal
Dr. Dallal’s research focuses on the evaluation of lifestyle and hormonal factors as they relate to estrogen-mediated carcinogenesis of the breast, endometrium and ovary. Her research centers on the following key areas: endogenous sex steroids with an emphasis on estrogen metabolism; active and sedentary behavior, obesity and obesity-derived hormones, as well as interrelationships between hormones, obesity, physical activity and cancer risk. In addition to exploring health behaviors, their interaction with biology and their potential role in cancer prevention, Dr. Dallal is interested in understanding racial/ethnic disparities in cancer incidence and survival.
Areas of Interest
Core FacultyCancer Prevention Fellow, Post-Doctoral Training
National Cancer Institute
PhD, Epidemiology
University of Pittsburgh
MS, Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology
University of Southern California
MPH, Chronic Disease Epidemiology
Yale University
BA, Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California at Berkeley
EPIB611 Intermediate Epidemiology
EPIB626 Epidemiology of Obesity
EPIB631 Cancer Epidemiology
American Cancer Society, Mentored Research Scholar Grant Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Breast Cancer Racial Disparities, 2017-2021
NIH/NCI Funding Award to Advance Research on Cancers in Women, 2011
NIH Loan Repayment Program, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, 2017-2019
Delta Omega Honorary Society, Induction to Gamma Zeta Chapter, 2018
NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence, 2011 & 2012
Sampson J, Falk R, Schairer C, Moore SC, Fuhrman B, Dallal CM, Brinton LA, Gail MH, Ziegler RG, Hoover RN, Gierach G. Association between estrogen metabolism and breast cancer risk in four cohorts of postmenopausal women. Cancer Res 2017; 77(4): 918-925.
Dallal CM, Brinton LA, Matthews CE, Pfeiffer R, Hartman T, Lissowska J, Falk R, Garcia Closas M, Xu X, Veenstra TD, Gierach GL. Is accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary behavior associated with urinary estrogens and estrogen metabolites among postmenopausal women? Med Sci Sports Exerc 2016; 48(3): 439-48. E-pub Oct 12, 2015.
Dallal CM, Tice JA, Buist DSM, Bauer DC, Lacey JV, Cauley JA, Hue TF, LaCroix A, Falk RT, Pfeiffer R, Fuhrman B, Veenstra TD, Xu X, Brinton LA. Estrogen metabolism and postmenopausal breast cancer risk in the B~FIT cohort. Carcinogenesis 2014; 35(2): 346-55. PMCID: PMC3908751
Luhn P, Dallal CM, Weiss J, Black A, Huang W, Lacey JV, Hayes RB, Stanczyk FZ, Wentzensen N, Brinton LA. Circulating adipokines and endometrial cancer risk in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) cancer screening trial. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2013; 22(7): 1304-12. PMCID: PMC3819202
Dallal CM, Brinton LA, Bauer DC, Buist DSM, Cauley JA, Hue TF, LaCroix A, Tice JA, Chia VM, Falk RT, Pfeiffer R, Pollak M, Veenstra TD, Xu X, Lacey JV. Obesity-related hormones and endometrial cancer among postmenopausal women: a nested case-control study within the B~FIT Cohort. Endocr Relat Cancer 2013; 20(1): 151-160.
Dallal CM, Brinton LA, Matthews CE, Lissowksa J, Peplonska B, Hartman TJ , Gierach GL. Accelerometer-based measures of active and sedentary behavior in relation to breast cancer risk. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2012; 134(3): 1279-90. PMCID: PMC3534981
Dallal CM, Sullivan-Halley J, Ross RK, Wang Y, Deapen D, Horn-Ross PL, Reynolds P, Stram DO, Clarke CA, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Peel D, West DW, Wright W, and Bernstein L. Long-term recreational physical activity and risk of invasive and in situ breast cancer: the California Teachers Study. Arch Intern Med 2007; 167(4): 408-15.