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Hongjie Liu

Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Dr. Liu’s research focuses on epidemiology of infectious diseases, social and behavioral aspects of HIV/AIDS, and research methodology. His research expertise includes social network, stigma, intervention, epidemic modeling, survey methodology, and advanced analytical techniques. Dr. Liu has conducted 27 research projects and received funding from NIH, NSF and amfAR. He has authored 119 peer-reviewed papers, including 100 publications in English journals (h-index: 35; i10-index: 73) and 19 in Chinese journals.


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(301) 405-3102

Areas of Interest

Core Faculty

Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases; Social and Behavioral Aspects of HIV/AIDS; Research Methodology; 

Hongjie Liu is an epidemiology professor and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. He graduated from UCLA School of Public Health in 2002 with a doctoral degree in epidemiology.

Dr. Liu’s research focuses on social and behavioral aspects of HIV/AIDS, epidemiology of infectious diseases, and research methodology. His research expertise includes social and risk networks for HIV infection, stigma, intervention, epidemic modeling, survey methodology (e.g., sampling hidden populations) and advanced analytical techniques (structural equation modeling, actor-partner interdependent modeling and psychometric analysis).

Dr. Liu has been actively and productively involved in research activities. Since 1997, he has participated as a PI, Co-PI, or consultant, in 13 HIV-related studies in China, 12 studies in the US, and 2 in Nigeria.

He has received research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (as PI on R03, R21, and R01 grants), National Science Foundation (NSF), the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID), the UCLA AIDS Institute and other agencies. So far, Dr. Liu has authored a total of 118 peer-reviewed papers, including 99 publications (h-index: 35; i10-index: 73) in English journals and 19 in Chinese journals.

Doctoral Degree in Epidemiology, 2002

UCLA School of Public Health

EPIB 612 Epidemiologic Study Design

EPIB740 Advanced Methods in Epidemiology

EPIB 634 Applied Data Analysis in Social Epidemiology and Behavioral Health

EPIB635 Applied Multilevel Modeling in Health Research

Liu H, Chen C, Cruz-Cano R, Guida J, and Lee M. Public Compliance With Social Distancing Measures and SARS-CoV-2 Spread: A Quantitative Analysis of 5 States. Public Health Report 2021 (OnlineFirst).

Tsou JH, Liu H, Stass SA, and Jiang F. Rapid and Sensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Using Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. Biomedicines,2021 Feb 27;9(3):239

Cruz-Cano R, Ma T, Yu Y, Lee M, and Liu H. Forecasting COVID-19 Cases based on Social Distancing in Maryland, U.S.A.: A Time –Series Approach. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness,2021 (OnlineFirst).

Zhou H, Tsou JH, Chinthalapally M, Liu H, Jiang F. Detection and Differentiation of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, and Respiratory Syncytial Viruses by CRISPR. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease,2021 (accepted)

Guida JL, Holt CL, Dallal CM, He X, Gold R, Liu H. Social Relationships and Functional Impairment in Aging Cancer Survivors: A Longitudinal Social Network Study. The Gerontologist,2020;60(4)607-616.

Li Y, Liu H, Ramadhani HO, Ndembi N, Crowell TA, Kijak G, Robb ML, Ake JA, Kokogho A, Nowak RG, Gaydos C, Baral SD, Volz E, Tovanabutra S, Charurat M, TRUST/RV368 Study Group. Genetic Clustering Analysis for HIV Infection among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Nigeria: implications for intervention. AIDS,2019;34(2):227-236

Liu H. Can Burt’s Theory of Structural Holes be Applied to Study Social Support Among Mid-Age Female Sex Workers? A Multi-Site Egocentric Network Study in China. AIDS and Behavior,2017;21(12):3567-3577

Guida J, Fukunaga A, Liu H. Biomarker validation of self-reported sex among middle-aged female sex workers in China. Annals of Epidemiology, 2017;27(3):181-186.

Rodriguez-Hart C, Liu H, Nowak RG, Orazulike I, Zorowitz S, Crowell TA, Baral SD, Blattner W, Charurat M. Serosorting and Sexual Risk for HIV Infection at the Ego-Alter Dyadic Level: An Egocentric Sexual Network Study Among MSM in Nigeria. AIDS and Behavior. 2016;20(11):2762-2771.

Liu H. Egocentric Network and Condom Use among Mid-Age Female Sex Workers in China: A Multilevel Modeling Analysis. AIDS Patient Care and STD 2016;30(4):155-165

Guida J, Hu L, and Liu H. The Impact of Occupational Stigma on the Social Networks of Older Female Sex Workers: Results from a Three-Site Egocentric Network Study in China. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 2016;30(1):1-3.

Li J, Luo J, Li J, Liu H. Disassortative mixing patterns of drug-using and sex networks on HIV risk behaviour among young drug users in Yunnan, China. Public Health, 2015;129(9):1237-43.

Liu H, Morisky D, Lin X, Ma E, Jiang B, Yin Y. Bias in Self-Reported Condom Use: Association Between Over-Reported Condom Use and Syphilis in a Three-Site Study in China. AIDS and Behavior, 2016 ;20(6):1343-5.

Hao C, Guida J, Morisky D, Liu H. Family network, workplace network, and their influence on condom use: A qualitative study among older female sex workers in China. Journal of Sex Research, 2015;52(8):924-35.