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Lindsey Winter

Academic Advisor, Kinesiology

Lindsey received both her B.S. and MPH from the Kinesiology department at the University of Maryland. After graduating, Lindsey completed an AmeriCorps Public Allies teaching fellowship at Eagle Rock School in Estes Park, CO. In addition to providing academic advising for undergraduate students in the Department of Kinesiology, Lindsey serves as the staff advisor for the Kinesiology Student Organization.


SPH | Room: 2351

(301) 405-8272


Areas of Interest


B.S. Kinesiology, 2013

University of Maryland, College Park

MPH Physical Activity, 2017

University of Maryland, College Park

UNIV100 The Student in the University

KNES201 Kinesiological Principles of Physical Activity 

KNES386 Experiential Learning

SPHL240 Public Health Engagement

Recipient School of Public Health Staff Teamwork and Community-Builder Award, 2020