Robert H. Feldman
As a cross-cultural health psychologist, Robert Feldman conducts research globally regarding the US in tobacco control and worksite/occupational health. Additionally, Feldman was a UNIBE Professor of Psychology in Costa Rica, conducted research in Kenya, Haiti and Australia, and he was also a Peace Corps Volunteer in Nigeria and Kenya. In the U.S., he has worked with Latinx workers, African American elders and tribal/urban Native Americans. Feldman has received funding from NCI, NIEHS, NSF, DHHS and USDA.
Areas of Interest
EmeritiHealth Behavior/Health Psychology; Global Health; Tobacco Control; Worksite Health/Occupational Health
BA, Mathematics
Brooklyn College, CUNY
MA, Mathematics
Pennsylvania State University
MS, Social Psychology
Syracuse University
PhD, Social Psychology
Syracuse University
Certificate in Eastern African Studies
Syracuse University
Post-Doctorate (NIH), Health Psychology
University of Connecticut Medical-Dental School
HLTH 665 Health Behavior I
HLTH 666 Health Behavior II
HLTH 430 Health in the Workplace
HLTH 776 Program Evaluation
Co-Investigator, Latino employees at the University of Maryland: Assessing
their health needs to promote health and well-being. University of Maryland
Tier 1 Research Seed Grant Award, $50,000.00, 2017-2018
Co-Investigator, Motivations, patterns, antecedents of dual use of little
cigars/cigarillos and cigarettes in a high-risk population. National Cancer
Institute, $23,418.00, 2015-2016
Principal Investigator (UMCP) and J. Lipscomb (PI, UMB), Blood-borne
pathogen assessment survey among healthcare workers in Haiti. University
of Maryland Research and Innovation Seed Grant Award, $73,737.00, 2014-2016
Co-Investigator, Self-affirmation and responses to smoking risk messages
among African Americans. National Cancer Institute, $410,980.00, 2014-2016
Co-Investigator, Rapid response characteristics of new and manipulated
tobacco products. Director of Research and Training. National Cancer
Institute, $18,648,449.00, 2013-2018
Co-Principal Investigator, Exploring cultural, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing tobacco use among Asian Americans, Hispanics, African Americans and American Indians in Maryland. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, $140,000.00, 2008
Co-Investigator, Tobacco control evaluation program. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, $249,713.00, 2007-2008
Co-Investigator, Worker education and training response to bio-terrorism. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, N.I.H., $480,000.00, 2002-2004
Co-Principal Investigator, Smoking cessation for Latino immigrant workers: Integrating smoking cessation into worker training. Montgomery County
Cigarette Restitution Fund Program, $20,000.00, 2001-2002
Co-Principal Investigator, Food safety and nutrition knowledge, attitudes and behaviors among low-income women: Strategies for health communication. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $60,252.00, 2000-2001
Co-Investigator, Maryland WIC Healthy Eating for a Lifetime Program. National Cancer Institute, N.I.H., $2,137,022.00, 1997-2000
* Feldman, R.H., Villalobos-PĂ©rez, A. & Rodriguez, R.G. (2020). Workplace
smoking cessation in Costa Rica. Workplace Health & Safety, 68.
*Shi, R., Feldman, R., Liu, J. and Clark, P. (2020). The dilemma of
correcting nicotine misperceptions: Nicotine replacement therapy versus
electronic cigarettes. Health Communication.
* Feldman, R.H., Villalobos, A. & Rodriguez, R. (2019). Promoting smoking
cessation in Costa Rica: A focus group study of smokers and ex-smokers.
International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 40(4), 331-336.
* Mead, E., Chen, J.C., Kirchner, T.R., Butler, J. & Feldman, R.H. (2018). An
ecological momentary assessment of cigarette and cigar dual use among
African American young adults. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, S12-S21.
* Mead, E. Johnson, S. Siddiqui, J. Butler, J. Kirchner, T. & Feldman, R.
(2017). Beyond blunts: reasons for cigarette and cigar use among African
American young adult dual users, Addiction Research & Theory, DOI:
*Naim, A., Feldman, R. & Sawyer, R. (2015). A needs assessment of
health issues related to maternal mortality rates in Afghanistan: A pilot
study. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 35,(3), 259-
*Carter-Pokras, O., Feldman, R.H., Kanamori, M., Rivera, I., Chen, L., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Nodora, J., and Noltenius, J. (2011). Barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation among Latino adults. Journal of the National Medical Association, 103(5), 423-431.
*Gryczynski, J, Feldman, R., Carter-Pokras, O., Kanamori, M., Chen, L, and Roth, S. (2010,). Contexts of tobacco use and perspectives on smoking cessation among urban American Indians. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 21(2), 544-558.
Feldman, R.H. and Laura, R. (2004). The use of complementary and alternative medicine practices among Australian university students. Complementary Health Practice Review, 9 (3), 173-179.
*Feldman, R.H., Christopher, B.W., Muniz, A.G. and Mejia, D.A. (2004). Integrating smoking cessation into worker training among Latino immigrant workers: Development of a program. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 14 (4), 349-355.