Tracy Kennedy
Tracy Kennedy has been at the University of Maryland since 2007, where she began in Student Affairs with Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy. She joined the Department of Behavioral and Community Health in 2012 and is responsible for guiding graduating seniors through their capstone internship semester. Additionally, teaches the accompanying 12-credit professional prep course, HLTH 491, and assists all BCH students in finding community health internships in their area of interest and maintaining the many host-site organizations that partner with the program.
- Department of Behavioral and Community Health
- School of Public Health
Areas of Interest
Core FacultyMPS, Clinical Psychology, 2015
University of Maryland, College Park
M.Ed., Human Development, 2011
University of Maryland, College Park
HLTH491 Community Health Internship
HLTH492 BS/MPH Community Health Internship
HLTH399 Community Health Field Work