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School of Public Health News


UMD School of Public Health Alumni Profile

Kimberly Stinchcomb (MPH ‘16) Works With Prince George’s County To Execute Emergency Response To COVID-19


Maryland General Assembly Passes Bill To Ban Chlorpyrifos Pesticide; UMD SPH's Payne-Sturges Expert Testimony Played an Influential Role

Coronavirus model made of clay

Coronavirus Test Questions

UMD School of Public Health Alumni Profile

Renee Ngozi Nwankwo (Certificate in Global Health '20)

Coronavirus symposium w/ Cynthia Baur, faculty member of School of Public Health

Coronavirus in Perspective: Symposium Shares Information—and Fights Misinformation—About Epidemic

100 & Change Topp 100 Decorative Logo

University of Maryland Among Top 100 Proposals for MacArthur $100 Million Grant