Andrew Billingsley
Areas of Interest
EmeritiPhD, Social Policy and Social Research, 1964
Florence Heller School of Brandeis University
Community Leadership Award, National Council of Negro Women, 1988
Marie Peters Award, National Council on Family Relations, 1989
DuBois, Johnson, Frazier Award, American Sociological Association, 1992
Distinguished Scholar Award, 1991
Pioneer Sociologist Award, Association of Black Sociologists, 1993
Billingsley, A. (1999). Mighty like a river: The Black church and social reform. New York: Oxford University Press.
Billingsley, A. (1998). "Introduction" to Robert B. Hill: The strengths of African American families: Twenty five years later. Washington, DC: R & B Publishing.
Rubin, R. H., Billingsley, A., & Caldwell, C. H. (1995). The Black church and youth-at-risk for incarceration. Monograph on Youth in the 1990s, 4, 61-74.
Billingsley, A., & Caldwell, C. H. (1994). The social relevance of the contemporary Black church. National Journal of Sociology, 8(1-2), 1-24. Billingsley, A. (1992). Climbing Jacob's ladder: The enduring legacy of African American families. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Billingsley, A. (1988). Black families in White America. New York: Simon & Schuster.