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Dina Borzekowski

Research Professor, Behavioral and Community Health
Director, Global Health Initiative

Dr. Borzekowski’s research expertise is in health communication. She has conducted research around the globe (so far, in around 32 countries), exploring how young people use media and media’s impact on children and adolescents. Additionally, Dr. Borzekowski studies how media and technology affect population health and disease prevention. As Director of the Global Health Initiative, Dr. Borzekowski coordinates educational, research and service collaborations for the School of Public Health community.


SPH | Room: 1234B

(301) 405-8729

Areas of Interest

Core Faculty

Health Communication; Global Health; Health Education; 

M.S., Communications, Computing and Technology in Education, 1989

Columbia University, Teachers College

Ed.M., Interactive Technology in Education, 1990

Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

Ed. D., Human Development and Psychology, 1994

Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

HLTH234 Global Health Messages

Borzekowski, D.L.G., *Singpurwalla, D., *Mehrotra, D., Howard, D. (2019). The impact of Galli Galli Sim Sim on preschoolers: A randomized control trial in Lucknow, India. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 64.

Borzekowski, D.L.G. (2019). Constancy (the new media “C”) and future generations. Health Education and Behavior. 46(2S), 20S-29S.

Borzekowski, Dina L.G., Lando, Agnes Lucy, *Olsen, Sarah H., *Giffen, Lauren A. (2019). The impact of an educational cartoon on Rwandan children. International Journal of Early Childhood, 51(1), 109-126.

Borzekowski, D.L.G., *Pires, P. (2018). A six country study of media exposure, logo recognition, and young children’s preferences for junk food and beverages. Journal of Children and Media.

Borzekowski, D.L.G., *Chen, J.C. (2016). Tobacco cues in India: An ecological momentary assessment. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 14(1): 16-26.

Agree, E.M., King, A.C., Castro, C.M., Wiley, A., Borzekowski, D.L.G. (2015). “It’s got to be on this page.” How age and cognitive style affect successful online health seeking. Journal of Medical Internet Research, e79.

Borzekowski, D.L.G., Ross, C., Jernigan, D.H., DeJong, W., Siegel, M. (2015). Patterns of media use and alcohol brand consumption among underage drinking youth in the United States. Journal of Health Communication,

Borzekowski, D.L.G., *Clearfield, E., Rimal, R., Gielen, A.C. (2014). Young children’s perceptions of fire prevention messages: Do framing and parental mediation matter? Journal of Burn Care & Research, 35, 303-312.

Borzekowski, D.L.G., *Guan Y., Erby, L., Smith, K., Roter, D. (2013). The Angelina Effect: Immediate reach, grasp, and impact of going public. Genetics in Medicine, 16, 516-521.

Borzekowski, Dina L.G., Cohen, Joanna E. (2013). The global reach of tobacco marketing among young children. Pediatrics,132; e825 - e831.