Leigh A. Leslie
Areas of Interest
EmeritiPhD, Individual and Family Science, 1982
The Pennsylvania State University
FMSC330 Family Theories and Patterns
FMSC430 Gender Issues in Families
FMSC640 Family Therapy: Theories and Techniques
FMSC745 Gender and Ethnicity in Family Therapy and Service Delivery
FMSC651 Clinical Methods and Consultation in Marriage and Family Therapy
FMSC658 Supervised Clinical Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy
Program Chair, "Families and Health," Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations, 2012
Co-editor of Gender, Families, and Close Relationships, 1994
Associate Editor, Personal Relationships, 1997-2002
Fellow, National Council on Family Relations, 2004
Outstanding Teacher in School of Public Health, 2001
Outstanding Teacher Award from the Campus Panhellenic Association, 1990
Recipient of University of Maryland Summer Curriculum Transformation Project for Feminist Studies Fellowship, 1989
Allen, S.H. & Leslie, L.A. (in press). Considering the role of nativity in the health and psychological well-being of Black LGBT adults. Journal of Homosexuality.
Hrapczynski, K., & Leslie, L.A. (in press). Predicting White Parents' Engagement in Racial Socialization in Transracial Adoptive Families. Family Relations.
Messman, J.B., & Leslie, L.A. (in press). Transgender college students: Academic resilience and striving to cope in the face of health challenges. Journal of American College Health
Leslie, L. A. Hrapczynski, K. & Young, J. (in press) Biracial families formed through adoption. In Roy, R., & Rollins. A. (Eds.) Biracial families: Crossing boundaries, blending cultures, and challenging racial ideologies. Springer.
Leslie, L. A. & Koblinsky, S. A. (2017). Returning to civilian life: Family reintegration challenges and resilience of women veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Journal of Family Social Work, 20, 106-123.