Samuel (Woodie) Kessel
Areas of Interest
Core FacultyM.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY M.P.H., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Senior program director and administrator for the achievement of national health promotion and disease prevention objectives, conduct of applied medical research and discovery, implementation of effective community-based programs, and advancement of professional education.
- Senior advisor on public health, health policy, and child and family health matters to the White House, Cabinet Secretaries, Surgeon Generals, and Health and Human Services officials spanning eight administrations.
- Investigator for the development of new knowledge and science-based public policy.
- Health care practitioner in urban and inner-city communities.
- Counselor and advocate for the improvement of child, family, and community health; the attainment of science-based and performance-based systems results; the advancement of public and private enterprise; the realization of cultural and discipline diversity; and the promotion of team spirit and human potential.
- Developed the principles for and directed operations of the President’s Safe and Bright Futures for Children Initiative, the President’s HealthierUS – Healthier Children and Youths, the President’s Task Force Children’s Environmental Health and Safety and the President’s State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
- Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
- Clinical Instructor, Department of Child Health & Development Children’s Hospital National Medical Center, George Washington University, Washington, DC
- Author of 19 articles in referred journals and a book chapter as well as 13 major research and technical reports.
Kessel, S. S., Soto-Torres, L. E., Kogan, M. D., Koontz, A. M., Fingerhut, L. A., & Ellison, B. F. (1994). America's children: Disparities among key maternal and child health measures. In H. M. Wallace, R. P. Nelson, & P. J. Sweeney (Ed.), Maternal and Child Health (4th ed.).Oakland, CA: Third Party Publishing Company.
Kiely, M., Drum, A. M., & Kessel, W. (1998). Early discharge: Risks, benefits, and who decides. Clinics in Perinatology, 25(3), 539-553.
Braveman, P., Kessel, W., Egerter, S., & Richmond, J. B. (1997). Early discharge and evidence based practice: Good science and good judgment. Journal of the American Medical Association, 278(4), 334-336.
Fishman, M., Kessel, W., Brannon, E., Papai, J, Heppel, D, & Nora, A. H. (1997). Collaborative office rounds: Continuing education in the psychosocial/developmental aspects of child health. Pediatrics, 99(4), http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/99/4/e5.
Yu, S. M., Keppel, K. G., Singh, G. K., & Kessel, W. (1996). Preconceptional and prenatal multivitamin-mineral supplement use in the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey. American Journal of Public Health, 86(2), 240-242.