Exploring the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Disease Disparities

The Behavioral Epidemiology and Community Health (BEACH) Research Laboratory consists of faculty and advanced doctoral students interested in sexual and reproductive health disparities among marginalized and vulnerable populations. The overarching focus is to conduct methodologically rigorous research on the prevention and treatment of infectious disease disparities, with a focus on intersectionality, intersectional stigma, syndemics, cisgender Black people, as well as sexual and gender minorities.
Department: Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Room Number: 1429 ATL
Director: Typhanye Dyer
Co-Director: Rodman Turpin
Office Phone Number: TBD
Email: typhanye @umd.edu
Typhanye V. Dyer is an associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics the University of Maryland School of Public Health, in College Park, MD. She received her doctorate from The UCLA Jonathan and Karen Fielding School of Public Health and completed her post-doctoral training at Johns Hopkins. She is a former HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) Scholar and is a member of the Black Gay Research Group and the HPTN Black Caucus. She is Core Faculty for the University of Maryland Prevention Research Center, which focuses on LGBTQ+ mental health, Affiliate Faculty for the University of Maryland Center for Race, Gender and Equity and the Population Research Center and Center for Health Equity. She is co-Chair of the Office of HIV/AIDS Network Coordination (HANC) New Investigators Working Group, Member of the Women’s Research Collaborative and the HPTN Sexual Gender Minority Working Group.
Her educational training is in infectious disease and social epidemiology, as well as community health, particularly focused on community-engaged research. Integrating theories and innovative methodologies from both disciplines, she strives to understand the broader social and structural processes that impact the health of the community.
She is an epidemiologist and health disparities scholar whose research examines the influence of social, psychological, and behavioral factors on HIV/STI-risk in Black populations. She has over 20 years of experience conducting research exploring HIV and HIV-related outcomes among sexual minority men, as well as women. The majority of her research applies the concept of syndemics (complex, intersecting, synergistic psychosocial and structural barriers) to the lived experiences of Black sexual minority men (Black SMM), including exploring the intersections of stigma, trauma, poor mental health, criminal justice involvement and HIV/STI risk and acquisition for Black SMM and Black transgender women. Regarding Black cis-gender women, she uses a similar framework to develop an understanding of the impact of intersectional stigma on engagement in the HIV continuum of care for older cisgender Black women living with or at risk for HIV in the DC Metro area.
Dyer, T, Feelemyer, J, Mazumdar, M, Scheidell, J, Turpin, R, #Fortune, N, Severe, M, Cleland, C, Remch, M, Mayer, M, Khan, M. Estimating the Influence of Incarceration on Subsequent
Experience with Violence among Black Men who have Sex with Men in the HPTN 061 Study. J Interpers. Violence (2021). PMID: 34107789.
Dyer T, #Turpin R, Khan M, Stall R, Nelson L, Brewer R, Friedman M, Mimiaga M, Cook, R, O'Cleirigh C, Mayer, K. Latent profile analysis of a syndemic of vulnerability factors on incident STI in a Cohort of Black Men who have Sex with Men Only (BMSMO) and Black Men who have Sex with Men and Women (BMSMW) in the HPTN061 Study. Sex Transm Dis. 2020 Sep;47(9):571-579. PMCID: PMC7442627
Turpin, R, Khan, M, Scheidell, J, Feelemyer, J, Hucks-Ortiz, C, Abrams, J, Cleland, C, Mayer, K, Dyer, T. Interactions between Racism, Homophobia, Incarceration, and HIV Testing in the HPTN 061 Cohort Study. AIDS Educ and Prev. In press.
Turpin R, Rosario A, Dyer T. Substance Use and Suicide Attempts among Adolescent Sexual Minority Males: A Comparison of Synthesized Substance Use Measures. Am J Epidemiol. 2020;
Apr 13. PMID: 32280963
Turpin R, Dyer T, Dangerfield D, Liu, H, Mayer, K. Latent transition analysis of a multicomponent behavioral syndemic among Black men who have sex with men in the HPTN 061 cohort: Interactions between social support, trauma, and behavioral health. Drug Alcohol Depend, 214(108106)
LeBlanc, N, Crean, H, Dyer, T, Zhang, C, Turpin, R, Zhang, N, Smith, M, McMahon, J, Nelson, L Ecological and Syndemic Predictors of Drug Use During Sex and Transactional Sex among US Black Men Who have Sex with Men: A Secondary Data Analysis from HPTN 061. Arch Sex Behav.
Scheidell JD, Dyer TV, Hucks-Ortiz C, Abrams J, Mazumdar M, Cleland CM, Irvine NM, Turpin RE, Severe M, Mayer KH, Khan MR. Characterization of Social Support among Black Sexual Minority Men and Transgender Women Following Incarceration in the HPTN 061 Study. In Press. BMJ Open.
Maria R. Khan, MR, Brewer, RB, Abrams, J, Mazumdar, M, Shceidell, JD, Feelemyer, J, Dyer, TV, Turpin, RE, Hucks-Ortiz, C, Gaydon, CA, Severe, M, Irvine, NM, Kaufman, JS, Cleland, CM, Mayer, KH. Incarceration and Sexual Risk Behavior and Incident STI/HIV in HPTN 061: Differences by Study City and among Black Sexual Minority Men who have Sex with Men, Black Sexual Minority Men who have Sex with Men and Women, and Black Transgender Women. In Press. Sex. Transm. Dis.
Hoff, L, Scheidell, J, Mazumdar, M, Feelemyer, J, Dyer, T, Turpin, R, Cleland, C, Caniglia, E, Remch, M, Brewer, R, Hucks-Ortiz, C, Irvine, N, Mayer, K, Khan, M. The Associations of Incarceration and Depression with Healthcare Experiences and Utilization among Black Men who Have Sex with Men in HPTN 061. AIDS Care. 2021 Aug 12;1-10. PMID: 34384304
Khan MR, Kapadia F, Geller A, Mazumdar M, Scheidell JD, Krause KD, Martino RJ, Cleland CM, Dyer TV, Ompad DC, Halkitis PN. Racial and ethnic disparities in "stop-and- frisk" experience among young sexual minority men in New York City. PLOS One. 2021;16(8). PMCID: PMC8389488
Feelemyer J, Khan M, Dyer T, Turpin RE, Hucks-Ortiz C, Cleland C, Scheidell J, Hoff L, Mayer K, Brewer R. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Awareness among Black Men who have Sex with Men with a History of Criminal Justice Involvement in Six US Cities: Findings from the HPTN 061 Study. AIDS Behav. In press.
Feelemyer, J, Dyer,T, Turpin, RE, Rodman, Brewer, R, Hucks-Ortiz, C, van der Mei, W, Cleland, C, Mazumdar, M, Caniglia, E, Geller, A, Scheidell, J Feldman, J, Mayer, K. Longitudinal associations between the disruption of incarceration and community re-entry on substance use risk escalation among Black men who have sex with men; a causal analysis. Drug Alcohol Depend. In Press.
Feelemyer J, Turpin R, Dyer T, Feldman J, van der Mei W, Cleland C, Mazumdar M, Caniglia E, Geller A, Schfeidell J, Mayer K, Khan M. Substance Use Among Recently Incarcerated Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in Six US Cities: The HPTN 061 Study. Addiction. In press. Turpin R, Rosario A, Dyer T. Barriers to Syphilis Testing among Men who have Sex with Men: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Sex Hlth. In Press. .
Turpin R, Slopen N, Boekeloo B, Dallal C, Chen S, Dyer T. Testing a Syndemic Index of Psychosocial and Structural Factors associated with HIV Testing among Black Men. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2019; 31(1), 455-470. PMID: 32037342.
Turpin R, Boekeloo B, Dyer T. Sexual Identity Modifies the Association between Bullying and Suicide Planning among Adolescents with Same-Sex Sexual Partners. J LGBT Youth 2019; 16 (3): 300-316. 25. Turpin R, Slopen N, Chen S, Boekeloo B, Dallal C, Dyer T. Latent Class Analysis of a Syndemic of Risk Factors on HIV Testing among Black Men. AIDS Care. 2018 Sept 22; 1-8. PMID: 30235943