Applying Unique Statistical Methods for Understanding the Health of Intersectional Racial and Sexual Minority Populations

The laboratory in Prevention and Racial/Sexual Intersectionality Study Methodology is focused on the application of unique statistical methods for understanding the health of intersectional racial and sexual minority populations. We employ latent variable modeling and causal inference approaches to these research questions. Our lab partners with faculty, students, and community-based organizations in the development of research to better promote the health of intersectional sexual and racial/ethnic minority populations, with a focus on prevention. Research topics include HIV/STI prevention, stigma, healthcare access, health behaviors and more.
Department: Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Room Number: TBD
Director: Rodman Turpin
Office Phone Number: TBD
Rodman Turpin, PhD, is an epidemiologist and analyst focused on HIV prevention among racial and sexual minority populations, particularly how racial and sexual stigma, depression, anxiety, substance use and other social and structural factors affect HIV risk and prevention. He is an HIV prevention trials network postdoctoral scholar and UMD-PRC core research scientist. Additionally, his methodological interests include latent class analysis, latent profile analysis and
structural equation modeling.
Turpin, RE, Watson, L, Mayer, K, Dyer, T. Latent Classes of Sexual Identity and Homophobia associated with Sexual Risk among Black sexual minority men in HPTN 061. J Sex Res. In press.
Turpin R, Akre ER, Williams N, Boekeloo B, Fish J. Differences in Health Care Access and Satisfaction Across Intersections of Race/Ethnicity and Sexual Identity. Acad Med. In press.
Turpin R, Salerno J, Rosario A, Boekeloo B. Victimization, substance use, depression, and sexual risk in adolescent males who have sex with males: A syndemic latent profile analysis. Arch Sex Behav. doi: 10.1007/s10508-020-01685-z. 4 22.
Turpin, R, Khan, M, Scheidell, J, Feelemyer, J, Hucks-Ortiz, C, Abrams, J, Cleland, C, Mayer, K, Dyer, T. Interactions between Racism, Homophobia, Incarceration, and HIV Testing in the HPTN 061 Cohort Study. AIDS Educ and Prev. In press.
Turpin R, Rosario A, Dyer T. Substance Use and Suicide Attempts among Adolescent Sexual Minority Males: A Comparison of Synthesized Substance Use Measures. Am J Epidemiol. 2020; Apr 13. PMID: 32280963
Turpin R, Dyer T, Dangerfield D, Liu, H, Mayer, K. Latent transition analysis of a multicomponent behavioral syndemic among Black men who have sex with men in the HPTN 061 cohort: Interactions between social support, trauma, and behavioral health. Drug Alcohol Depend, 214(108106)
Dyer T, Turpin R, Khan M, Stall R, Nelson L, Brewer R, Friedman M, Mimiaga M, Cook, R, O'Cleirigh C, Mayer, K. Latent profile analysis of a syndemic of vulnerability factors on incident STI in a Cohort of Black Men who have Sex with Men Only (BMSMO) and Black Men who have Sex with Men and Women (BMSMW) in the HPTN061 Study. Sex Transm Dis. In Press.
LeBlanc, N, Crean, H, Dyer, T, Zhang, C, Turpin, R, Zhang, N, Smith, M, McMahon, J, Nelson, L Ecological and Syndemic Predictors of Drug Use During Sex and Transactional Sex among US Black Men Who have Sex with Men: A Secondary Data Analysis from HPTN 061. Arch Sex Behav.
Ramos R, Lardier D, Opara I, Williams CN, Turpin RE, Boyd D, Gutierrez J, Nelson LE, Kershaw T. Intersectional Effects of Internalized Homophobia, Gender Expression, and Sexual Orientation Concealment on Health Literacy and HIV Risk Among Sexual Minority Men of Color: A PATH Analysis. J Nurs AIDS Care. In press.
Turpin RE, Slopen, N., Borgogna, J., Yeoman, C., He, X., Miller, R., Klebanoff, M., Ravel, J., Brotman R. Perceived Stress and Molecular-BV in the NIH Longitudinal Study of Vaginal Flora. Am J Epidemiol. In Press.
Feelemyer J, Khan M, Dyer T, Turpin RE, Hucks-Ortiz C, Cleland C, Scheidell J, Hoff L, Mayer K, Brewer R. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Awareness among Black Men who have Sex with Men with a History of Criminal Justice Involvement in Six US Cities: Findings from the HPTN 061 Study. AIDS Behav. In press.
Feelemyer, J, Dyer,T, Turpin, RE, Rodman, Brewer, R, Hucks-Ortiz, C, van der Mei, W, Cleland, C, Mazumdar, M, Caniglia, E, Geller, A, Scheidell, J Feldman, J, Mayer, K. Longitudinal associations between the disruption of incarceration and community re-entry on substance use risk escalation among Black men who have sex with men; a causal analysis. Drug Alcohol Depend. In Press.
Feelemyer J, Turpin R, Dyer T, Feldman J, van der Mei W, Cleland C, Mazumdar M, Caniglia E, Geller A, Schfeidell J, Mayer K, Khan M. Substance Use Among Recently Incarcerated Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in Six US Cities: The HPTN 061 Study. Addiction. In press.
Ramos R, Nelson L, Jones SG, Ni Z, Turpin RE, Portillo CJ. A reflection on HIV prevention among Black and Hispanic/Latinx communities: A state of the science during times of COVID. J Nurs AIDS Care. In press.
Turpin, R., Brotman, R. M., Miller, R. S., Klebanoff, M. A., He, X., & Slopen, N. (2019). Perceived stress and incident sexually transmitted infections in a prospective cohort. Annals of epidemiology, 32, 20–27. 30.
Turpin R, Slopen N, He X, Robinson C, Klebanoff MA, Ravel J, Brotman R (2019). Perceived stress and socioeconomic factors associated with vaginal microbiota in the longitudinal study of vaginal flora. Sex Trans Infect; 95:A146. Abstract.
Turpin R, Rosario A, Dyer T. Barriers to Syphilis Testing among Men who have Sex with Men: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Sex Hlth. In Press. Turpin R, Rosario A, Wang, M. Victimization, Depression, and the Suicide Cascade in Sexual Minority Youth. J Mental Health; 29(2):225-233. 21.
Dyer T, Feelyemyer J, Scheidell J, Turpin RE, Brewer R, Fortune N, Severe M, Cleland C, Remch M, Mayer K, Khan M. Estimating the Influence of Incarceration on Subsequent Experience with Violence among Black Men who have Sex with Men in the HPTN061 Study. J Int Viol.
Turpin R, Slopen N, Boekeloo B, Dallal C, Chen S, Dyer T. Testing a Syndemic Index of Psychosocial and Structural Factors associated with HIV Testing among Black Men. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2019; 31(1), 455-470. PMID: 32037342.
Turpin R, Boekeloo B, Dyer T. Sexual Identity Modifies the Association between Bullying and Suicide Planning among Adolescents with Same-Sex Sexual Partners. J LGBT Youth 2019; 16 (3): 300-316. 25. Turpin R, Slopen N, Chen S, Boekeloo B, Dallal C, Dyer T. Latent Class Analysis of a Syndemic of Risk Factors on HIV Testing among Black Men. AIDS Care. 2018 Sept 22; 1-8. PMID: 30235943