Organizing Partners
The Environmental Finance Center (EFC) at the University of Maryland advances finance solutions to environmental challenges. With more than 25 years of experience, we work with communities to protect natural resources by strengthening the capacity of decision makers to assess needs, develop effective financing methods and catalyze action.
Through direct technical assistance, policy analysis, and research, the EFC equips communities with the knowledge and tools they need to create more sustainable environments, more resilient societies and more robust economies.
Namati was started to grow a robust, evidence-based, global field around community paralegals, legal empowerment and primary justice services. Namati is the first and only international group dedicated to this approach.
Mid-Atlantic Justice Coalition (MAJC) are residents of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC working together to build people power and forge a just society with good economic opportunities and a safe environment.
Hub Partners
Centro de Apoyo Familiar or Center for Assistance to Families (CAF) is a non-profit, HUD approved comprehensive Housing Counseling Agency. They provide free educational workshops as well as a full range of Housing Counseling services, including: (1) Pre-purchase; (2) Foreclosure; (3) Non-delinquency Post-purchase; and (4) Rental Counseling. They serve all clients regardless of income, age, race, color, religion, creed, sex, nationality, family status, disability or sexual orientation/gender identity. CAF administers their program in conformity with local, state and federal anti-discrimination laws. All workshops are conducted in English and Spanish.
Since 2003, Empower DC has advanced racial, economic and environmental justice by investing in the leadership and organized political power of DC’s lowest income residents and communities.
The Overbrook Environmental Education Center (OEEC) is a community based center dedicated to Environmental Education, Conservation, Public Health and Personal Enrichment.
The mission of the OEEC is to remove barriers from the public's full appreciation of our region’s technological and environmental resources. This center promotes public education, and participation in sustainable technological and environmental projects.
The mission of Sentinels of Easter Shore Health (SECH) is to facilitate a truly healthy community where every member of the community has a role in a participatory decision making process. SECH helps communities decide what goes on in their community that may impact public health or deteriorate common resources to be preserved for future generations. SESH unites local citizen groups and other private citizens by means of social networking, communications and community events to amplify the voice of the members of the community.
Sussex Health & Environmental Network (SHEN) is a collective voice for positive solutions and inclusiveness in representation in environmental and public health issues. Finding solutions to big problems has never been easy and has always come from the bottom up. Keep Our Wells Clean, Protecting Our Indian River and Concerned Citizens of Prime Hook have demonstrated that by working together and building power, we can get the needle moving in the right direction.
SBCLT was established through over a decade of research, reflection and action initiated by high school students and residents in South Baltimore. Together, we reacted to the newly proposed incinerator questioning how a development of this magnitude could gain political and institutional acceptance given the presence of two large incinerators and the City’s landfill already surrounding our communities.
The South Ward Environmental Alliance (SWEA), is an alliance of residents and community based organizations with a focus on environmental justice issues in the South Ward of Newark, New Jersey. SWEA's mission is to cultivate healthy and vibrant neighborhoods by ensuring residents' voices are heard and they are active participants in decision making policies that impact their neighborhood.
UPAL, founded by parents of lead-poisoned children, is committed first and foremost to ensuring the fundamental rights of all children to live in a safe and healthy environment. United by our experiences and commitment to children, we know firsthand the effects of lead poisoning and the irreparable damage and suffering caused by this preventable disease. Parents are responsible for bringing children's voices and experiences into the national dialogue and reminding participants that children's health and safety are ultimately everyone's responsibility.