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Graduate Student Tuition and Aid

2024-25 Academic Year Tuition Rates

Graduate tuition rates are set per credit hour. There is no cap or flat rate for part-time or full-time graduate enrollment.

In-State Differential Tuition Out-of-State Tuition Graduate Student Fees 1 - 8 credits Graduate Student Fees 9 or more credits
$ 1,036.00 per credit $1,919.00 per credit $358.00 flat rate per semester $692.50 flat rate per semester

*Global Health certificate

The MPH programs are 45 credits each. Full-time students typically complete 19-22 credits during their first year and the remaining credits in their second year.

$1,036.00 per credit

Visit the program webpage on the OES website for a breakdown of mandatory fees.
*Certificate in Health Data Analysis & Certificate in Applied Epidemiology

The MPH is 45-credit, and the MHA is a 46-credit program. Full-time students typically complete 19-22 credits during their first MPH year and the remaining credits in their second year.

The Certificate in Health Data Analysis and the Certificate in Applied Epidemiology are 12-credit programs.

These online programs use the semester academic calendar with classes held in the fall and spring semesters (16 weeks each) and Summer sessions (two 6-week sessions). The academic year runs from the fall semester through the following summer term.

*MA, Kinesiology; *MS in Couples and Family Therapy; *MS, Environmental Health Sciences; and PhD Programs follow the Office Student Financial Services and Cashiering tuition and fee schedules.



Differential tuition rates for in-state students enrolled in the professional Master of Public Health (MPH) and Master of Health Administration (MHA) programs help support the delivery of these degree programs, which require additional resources to ensure we are able to offer a high-quality educational experience to all MPH and MHA students. It is important to note that this differential applies only to the cost-per-credit hour tuition rate; there are no differential student fees. All graduate students pay the mandatory fees established by the University of Maryland for part-time and full-time graduate students.

The differential tuition charge appears on your tuition bill as:

  • PROF FEE R: for in-state residents
  • PROF FEE NR: for out-of-state residents

The amount of tuition remission a GA/TA receives depends on the type of appointment. Please visit the Human Resources website for details on this policy.

Tuition remission is credited at the prevailing standard in-state credit hour rate at the time the class is taken. Some programs, such as the MPH, have higher credit hour rates or flat fee pricing. The tuition remission benefit does not cover the difference, which remains the responsibility of the GA.

Tuition remission does not cover Mandatory Fees. Please visit University Human Resources for more information on mandatory fees and tuition remission.

Financing Your Graduate Degree

As with undergraduate education, many students fund their graduate education through a combination of financial support strategies. These might include loans, grants, scholarships, employer assistance, fellowships or traineeships, and teaching or research assistantships. All prospective graduate students should take time to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Yes, it’s for graduate students, too! The FAFSA is used to determine your financial need for other forms of aid, too. While the deadline for submission is June 30, the earlier the application is filed, the better the financial aid package an applicant is likely to be offered, and the lower the interest rates.  

Prospective graduate students should also seek out fellowships, traineeships, and teaching/research assistantships available through the department in which they will study and the university they will attend. At the University of Maryland, departments and programs may have fellowship or assistantship funds separate from those available through the University of Maryland Graduate School. Contact our graduate directors for departmental funding opportunities, and the University of Maryland Graduate School for other fellowship opportunities. These assistantships will not cover the full cost of tuition for our MPH/MHA students, but they will steeply discount that tuition rate. Graduate assistantships may also be available through our research centers.

For other resources on financial aid and scholarships, please visit the Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health.

Graduate Student Scholarships and Fellowships

The University of Maryland School of Public Health welcomes AmeriCorps alumni who wish to further their education by becoming public health professionals! We value the unique community service perspectives and experience AmeriCorps alumni bring to public health. In recognition of Americorps' service, we are offering up to four (04) eligible Americorps alumni a one-time scholarship of $1000 to applicants admitted to one of our Master of Public Health (MPH) programs. We offer MPH programs in Behavioral and Community Health (in-person and online options), Biostatistics, Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology, Health Care Management, Health Equity, Health Policy Analysis and Evaluation, Physical Activity (online only) and Public Health Practice and Policy (online only). 


  • Applicants must indicate they are AmeriCorps Service Members/Alumni on the SOPHAS and UMD TerpEngage application
  • Include one reference from their Americorps supervisor
  • Be admitted to an MPH degree program during the 2024 Admissions cycle or later
  • Awardees must have successfully completed full-time service with AmeriCorps before they begin their degree program at the University of Maryland School of Public Health

To learn more about our MPH degree programs, visit 

AmeriCorps School of National Service Seal


Contact Information:
Brit Saksvig

Professor Emeritus David H. Clarke, who was a leader in the area of exercise physiology, established this award to support Graduate Students in the Department of Kinesiology. Students with outstanding academic achievement can apply for conference travel; the full announcement and deadlines are sent via email. 

This fellowship supports selected international research activities by doctoral students in the Department of Kinesiology.  This award is made possible through the generosity of anonymous donors who saw the need for funding in this area.  Students can contact Ms. Polly Schurer for more information and to apply prior to the event and/or need.

The Department of Kinesiology’s graduate student grant program – Graduate Research Initiative Project (GRIP) - is intended to assist graduate students in Kinesiology with funding for their research. This is a competitive grant program and has two grant application/review cycles per year: September 15th and February 15 – with funding decisions provided within two months of submission deadlines. Full announcements are sent via email. Through the generosity of donors Drs. Debbie Gebhart and Sally Phillips, the Department is able to fund an additional GRIP proposal.  Students can apply each semester through the standard GRIP application.  

The School of Public Health’s Resiliency Scholarship Fund was established to help currently enrolled students avoid an interruption in their studies due to an unforeseen emergency. This fund helps the school respond to immediate financial situations that directly impact a student's ability to attend and function in classes. Students considering emergency financial aid should understand that this program offers limited help and is not intended to be a secondary form of tuition funding.  

See more information about this scholarship and apply here.

For more details and eligibility requirements, please check the application form.

The Department of Health Policy and Management provides up to $500 per trip to support students presenting at professional conferences. Awards are limited to one per student per year. Funding decisions are based on the quality of work being presented and the likelihood that the conference will enhance the student’s professional development. Preference is given to students who have not previously presented at a conference.

Awards will not be granted to travel to the Population Association of America because the Maryland Population Research Center provides generous travel awards specifically to that conference. In the event that the MPRC grants are not available, talk with your advisor about funding for PAA.

Travel scholarships are available for qualifying students through the Graduate School. Find more information on the UMD Graduate School Travel Grant website.