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CASA: Student Resources and Information

Student Resources and Services

The University of Maryland and the School of Public Health offer a wide variety of resources and services for students.

  • Speach and Language Therapy - The Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences offers evaluations, hearing aids, speech therapy, and a therapeutic preschool service at minimal costs.
  • Clinical Psychology Clinic - This Psychology Department clinic provides counseling to children, adolescents, and adults in Prince George's county at a sliding scale fee. 
  • Center for Healthy Families - This clinic, located in the SPH building, provides individual, couple, and family therapy and can assist parents with a wide range of family and parenting issues. For more information,or to schedule an appointment, please call 301-405-2273. 
  • Center for Young Children - A childcare center on campus for children 3-6 years old.
  • LOCATE: Child Care  - connects UMD students, staff, and faculty to child care that meets their unique needs for both typically and atypically developing children. 
    • 1-800-999-0120 - Parents can speak to a live specialist to get referrals for child care and recommendations for care and financial aid. Friendly to both English and Spanish speakers.
  • UMD Health Center - Provides many services to help students stay healthy.
    • Allergy, Travel, and Immunization Services
    • Acupuncture and massage
    • Meditation sessions
    • Medical tests
    • Men's health (physical exams, HPV vaccines, etc.)
    • Women's health (annual exams, birth control consultations, cervical cancer screenings, HPV vaccines, etc.)
    • Free STI testing
    • Nutrition services
    • Orthopedic/Sports Medicine
    • Pharmacy
    • Physical Therapy
    • Primary Care
    • Radiology
    • Substance Abuse Intervention Program
    • Triage (walk-in visits for urgent health issues such as UTI, asthma attacks, allergic reactions, etc.)
  • UMD Mental Health Center - Provides mental health care to UMD students. 
    • Individual therapy (short term only)
    • Group therapy
      • Eating and Body Image Concerns
      • Graduate and Returning Students
      • Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Recovery
      • Anxiety
      • Depression/Anxiety/Relationships
      • Women's Growth
      • AD/HD
      • Chronic Psychiatric Illness
  • UMD Counseling Center - Provides mental health care to UMD students.
    • Individual therapy (short term only)
    • Group Therapy
      • General Group Therapy (sessions available for men only, women only, and graduate students only)
      • International Students
      • Building Social Confidence
      • Depression 
      • Calm My Nerves
      • Hope and Healing (for survivors of sexual assault)
      • Memory Circle (for grief and loss)
      • Creating Confidence
      • Circle of Sisters (for black women on a predominantly white campus)
      • Mindfulness Meditation
      • Dissertation Support Group
      • My Body-My Self: A Woman's Group
      • Striving for Perfection: Reflections in Body Image and Eating for Men
      • Graduate Student Support
      • Depression: A Lighter Blue (managing depression symptoms)
      • Career Exploration Group
    • Walk-in Services (contact the UMD Counseling Center for times)
      • Assistance with choosing majors and careers
      • Veteran's Walk-in Hour
      • Students of Color Walk-in Hour
      • Rainbow Walk-in Hour for students in the LGBTQA community
  • The Center for Healthy Families - Offers long term individual, couple, and family therapy for students and non-students at sliding scale fees. Call 301-405-2273 to request services.
  • Behavioral Health Services
  • Accessibility and Disability Services

Clinical Psychology Clinic - This Psychology Department clinic provides counseling to children, adolescents, and adults in Prince George's county at a sliding scale fee.

The School of Public Health is committed to creating an educational and work environment that is inclusive and supportive of all students, faculty, and staff. We aspire to develop and mentor the next generation of public health leaders and in doing so we strive for a learning environment that is fair, respectful, equitable, and free from all forms of harassment. Each member of the School of Public Health community is expected to contribute to this positive learning and work environment. The school is supported in this goal by several campus policies. When behavior or conduct occurs that is inconsistent with a respectful and safe learning environment, members of our community may report the incident and seek assistance through
the following policies and procedures.

  • Print assignments with the Terrapin Express stations located in the SPH building.
  • TLC Equipment Loan Program - Rent laptops, chargers, iPads, headphones, cameras, adapters, and other equipment at UMD libraries. Take them with you to class or to work on projects.
  • TLC Tech Desk in McKeldin Library - Laminate, bind, fax, and use other special print resources.
  • UMD TERPware - Download free software including Adobe Acrobat, Matlab, and Microsoft Office. Other software, such as SPSS, is available with the purchase of a license.
  • UMD Computer Labs
  • Essential Needs Support and Resources - Provides resources required to be successful as a student at the University of Maryland, including food, housing, and financial stability.
  • UMD Campus Pantry - Provides emergency food to UMD students, faculty, and staff.
  • Emergency Financial Assistance - Information on emergency financial assistance such as Keep Me Maryland, Dreamkeepers Emergency Assistance Fund, and Emergency Loans.
  • UMD Career Center Bright Futures Unpaid Internship Scholarship - awards students with need-based scholarships ranging from $250-$1,250 to help offset expenses during unpaid internships. Must be with a non-profit organization or government agency. 
  • The Carlson Family Leadership Scholarship - The Carlson Family Leadership Scholarship provides annual scholarships to undergraduate students at the University who are in good academic standing and are active members of any registered student organization at the University. Preference shall be given to students who demonstrate strong leadership skills or the ability to develop such skills. Demonstrated financial need or other circumstances will also factor into the selection process.
  • The Brandon James Malstrom Memorial Scholarship Fund - The Brandon James Malstrom Memorial Scholarship was established in December 2002 by Brandon's friends and family. Spendable income from the Scholarship provides an annual scholarship for a transfer student at the University who shares the educational aspirations that Brandon exemplified. 
  • Returning Student Scholarship Fund 
  • The Joseph M. Mitchell Scholarship - The Terp Family Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 by the Parent/Family Advisory Council to provide support for current students in good standing who may be unable to continue their education at the University due to extenuating financial circumstances. The fund provides a one-time award for the academic year and is available to students who have completed at least 24 credit hours at the University. In the past, award amounts have been $500, $1,000, and $1,500.
  • Terp Family Scholarship Fund - The Maryland Parents Association Student Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 by the Parent Advisory Council to provide support for current students in good standing who may be unable to continue their education at the University due to extenuating financial circumstances. The fund provides a one-time award for the academic year and is available to students who have completed at least 24 credit hours at the University. Scholarships of up to $2,000 are awarded annually. 
  • The Divine Nine Emergency Tuition and Assistance Fund - This fund was established by university alumni associated with the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. This award provides emergency tuition and book assistance to undergraduate students who are members of an NPHC affiliated organization and are enrolled in an undergraduate program at the University. The average award amount ranges from $250-$500.
  • The LGBT Advocacy Scholarship Fund - Supports students who advocate on behalf of the LGBT community at the University of Maryland. 
  • The Veterans in Transition Crisis Fund - This fund was established by the S. Irwin Kamin Foundation in honor of Dr. Nancy K. Schlossberg to provide immediate emergency support to UMD veteran students experiencing unforeseen financial hardship. 

Full campus guidance and resources about maintaining the health and wellness of our campus community can be found on the University's 4Maryland website


As always, we encourage students to do what is best for them. That can sometimes mean taking some time away from UMD. We encourage students to consult with an advisor if they are considering withdrawing from the University. 


Students who register and later decide not to attend the University must cancel their registration before the first day of classes. Access the cancel registration form.


Students may request a withdrawal from all classes at any time between the first and the last day of classes for the semester. Students must submit a written notice of withdrawal to the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day of classes. Access the withdrawal form.

Return your completed form to the registrar by emailing



The drop period begins at the close of the Schedule Adjustment Period and terminates at various points depending on the individual session. See academic deadlines. During the drop period, a student may drop a maximum of four credits or one course. A student must be registered for two or more courses and remain registered for at least one course; otherwise, this is a Withdrawal. To Withdraw from a Summer or Winter term, Students must submit a written request to be withdrawn using this contact form. Include your full name, UID, and a complete statement regarding the requested action. For any other questions about winter or summer term registration, please contact the Office of Extended Studies at


Students returning from leave must complete one of two re-enrollment processes outlined on the Student Success Office site. 

  • Students returning with a UMD GPA of 2.0 or over  must complete a readmission application. This application can take up to 10 days to process. 
  • Students returning with a UMD GPA under a 2.0, are on academic dismissal, or have taken a leave previously must complete the reinstatement process. The application will be reviewed by an anonymous faculty committee board. It can take up to 10 days after submission of application to hear from the Student Success Office.

Please contact the CASA office with any questions,


How to Succeed in a Remote Learning or Online Class Video

  • Go to office hours for your TAs and instructors - they are still being held even if the class is online.
  • Take the initiative to build a relationship with them during the class.
  • Connect with your peers in the class - perhaps form a study group if this is helpful for your learning style.
  • Set up a workspace that is dedicated just for schoolwork where you can focus away from family, friends and/or roommates.
  • Use an app to block social media and other distractions during class and study time.
  • Set up a schedule with study times 
  • Keep a calendar or planner with all important due dates for assignments, quizzes and tests
  • Check your ELMS and email daily! Your instructors will send out many announcements/messages.They may even change around when assignments are due, so make sure you are checking your ELMS page for all your classes on a regular basis and updating your planner accordingly.
  • Create a daily schedule/routine 

If you need additional help and support  meet with an advisor: SPH Advisors: Appointments and Drop-In Hours