Typhanye Dyer, associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, is prioritizing the happiness and self-care of her students. Each morning, Typhanye sends a ‘feel good’ story, action for happiness and a self-care tip. She finds that Incorporating daily wellness practices into her class benefits her students and herself.
After a multi-year romance that started during her undergraduate years, SPH Academic Advisor Taylor Sanders was recently surprised with an engagement proposal of her dreams.
Students, faculty and staff in the School of Public Health and across UMD successfully advocated to ensure that one’s Zoom display name is retained and pronouns can be added (instead of having to re-enter one’s name and pronouns each login). You can add your pronouns and update your display name at http://umd.zoom.us/.
Our Happiness and Wellness Initiative shares "Some Good News" from the SPH and our extended community. You can submit your own good news by email to: happyandwell@umd.edu.
Sacoby Wilson, an associate professor in the Maryland Institute of Applied Environmental Health, is transforming his academic knowledge and social justice work into his own backyard. Read more on what Sacoby has done to provide the food needs for his family and what he has planned to fully utilize the entire yard in ways that intersect with food justice; food, energy and water nexus; food and land as culture; food sovereignty and more.
Our Happiness and Wellness Initiative shares "Some Good News" from the SPH and our extended community. You can submit your own good news by email to: happyandwell@umd.edu.
Gymkana Director Josh Montfort ‘93, MS ‘96, UMD Senate Director Reka Montfort ‘99 and their family have fostered 65 dogs since March 2019. Pet parenting took on new meaning during the pandemic when they welcomed seven puppies into their home and their fostering turned into adoption. Their newest love is a 16 week old puppy named Tucker.
Our Happiness and Wellness Initiative shares "Some Good News" from the SPH and our extended community. You can submit your own good news by email to: happyandwell@umd.edu.