Examining Social, Cultural and Economic Factors as They Relate to Health

Our lab focuses on examining social, cultural and economic factors as they relate to health. Our current research program focuses on creating and validating neighborhood indicators constructed from nontraditional Big Data sources, such as social media data and Google Street View images. Most recently, we have started building a chatbot for racial/ethnic minority mothers to deliver personalized and automated health information during the first year of life to address disparities in maternal and infant outcomes. We have been funded by the National Library of Medicine and National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (K01ES025433; R01LM012849; R01MD016037).
Department: Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Room Number: SPH 2234B
Director: Quynh Nguyen
Office Phone Number: (301) 405-6425
Email: qtnguyen@umd.edu
Quynh C. Nguyen
Xiaohe Yue
Heran Mane
Neighborhood Looking Glass
Rosie the Chatbot
Nguyen, Thu T., Shaniece Criss, Eli K. Michaels, Rebekah I. Cross, Jackson S. Michaels, Pallavi Dwivedi, Dina Huang et al. "Progress and push-back: How the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd impacted public discourse on race and racism on Twitter." SSM-population health 15 (2021): 100922.
Nguyen, Thu T., Dina Huang, Eli K. Michaels, M. Maria Glymour, Amani M. Allen, and Quynh C. Nguyen. "Evaluating associations between area-level Twitter-expressed negative racial sentiment, hate crimes, and residents' racial prejudice in the United States."SSM-population health 13 (2021): 100750.
Nguyen T., Criss S., Dwivedi P*., Huang D., Keralis J.*, Hsu E.*, Phan L.*, Nguyen L.H.*, Yardi I.*, Glymour M.M., Allen A.M., Chae D.H., Gee G.C., Nguyen Q.C. (2020). Exploring U.S. Shifts in Anti-Asian Sentiment with the Emergence of COVID-19. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health.
Nguyen QC, Huang Y, Kumar A*, Duan H*, Keralis JM*, Dwivedi P*, Meng H-W*, Brunisholz KD, Jay J, Javanmardi M, Tasdizen T. Using 164 Million Google Street View Images to Derive Built
Environment Predictors of COVID-19 Cases. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(17):6359.
Phan L*, Yu W*, Keralis J*, Mukhija K*, Dwivedi P*, Brunisholz K, Javanmardi M*, Tasdizen T, Nguyen QC (2020). Google Street View Derived Built Environment Indicators and Associations with State-level Obesity, Physical Activity, and Chronic Disease Mortality. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(10), 3659; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17103659
Nguyen TT, Adams N, Huang D*, Glymour MM, Allen A, Nguyen QC (2020). State-level racial attitudes and adverse birth outcomes: applying natural language processing to Twitter data to quantify state context for pregnant women. JMIR. 2020 Apr 16. doi: 10.2196/17103. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32298232
Keralis JM*, Javanmardi M*, Khanna S*, Dwivedi P*, Huang D*, Tasdizen T, & Nguyen QC. (2020). Health and the built environment in United States cities: measuring associations using Google Street View-derived indicators of the built environment. BMC public health, 20(1), 215.
Huang D*, Huang Y*, Adams N, Nguyen TT, & Nguyen QC. (2020). Twitter-Characterized Sentiment Towards Racial/Ethnic Minorities and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Outcomes. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-13.
Javanmardi M*, Huang D*, Dwivedi P*, Khanna S*, Brunisholz K, Whitaker R, Nguyen QC & Tasdizen T (2019). Analyzing Associations Between Chronic Disease Prevalence and Neighborhood Quality Through Google Street View Images. IEEE Access.
Cesare N, Nguyen QC, Grant C, Nsoesie EO. Social media captures demographic and regional physical inactivities (2019). BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. DOI: 10.1136/bmjsem-2019-000567
Huang Y*, Huang D*, Nguyen QC (2019). Census Tract Food Tweets and Chronic Disease Outcomes in the US, 2015-2018. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18: 16(10). DOI:10.3390/ijerph16101766.
Nguyen TT, Criss S, Allen AM, Glymour M, Phan L*, Trevino R*, Dasari S, Nguyen QC (2019). Pride, Love, and Twitter Rants: Combining Machine Learning and Qualitative Techniques to Understand What Our Tweets Reveal about Race in the US. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health. 18: 16(10).
Nguyen QC, Khanna S*, Dwivedi P*, Huang D*, Huang Y*, Tasdizen T, Brunisholz K, Li F, Gorman W, Nguyen TX, Jiang C (2019). Using Google Street View to Examine Associations between Built Environment Characteristics and U.S. Health Outcomes. Preventive Medicine Reports. 14: 100859.
Litchman M, Wawrzynski SE, Woodruff WS, Arrington J, Nguyen QC, Brown A, Gee P (2019). Continuous Glucose Monitoring in the Real-World: Photosurveillance of #Dexcom on Instagram. JMIR Public Health Surveillance ;5(2):e11024
Nguyen QC, Sajjadi M*, McCullough M*, Pham M*, Nguyen TX, Yu W*, Meng H*, Wen M, Li F, Smith KR, Brunisholz K, Tasdizen T (2018). Neighborhood Looking Glass: Degree Automated
Characterization of the Built Environment for Neighborhood Effects Research. Journal of Epidemiology
and Community Health. 72:260-266.
Nguyen TT, Meng H.-W*, Sandeep S*, McCullough M*, Yu W*, Lau Y, Huang D*, Nguyen QC. Twitter-derived measures of sentiment towards minorities (2015-2016) and associations with low birth weight and preterm birth in the United States (2018). Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 308–315. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2018.08.010. PubMed PMID: 30923420; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6432619.
Nguyen QC, Brunisholz K, Yu W*, McCullough M*, Hanson HA, Litchman ML, Li F, Wan Y, VanDerslice JA, Wen M, Smith KR. (2017). Twitter-derived neighborhood characteristics associated with obesity and diabetes. Scientific Reports. 7 (16425).
Meng H*, Kath S*, Li D*, Nguyen QC (2017). National Substance Use Patterns on Twitter. PLOS ONE. 12(11): e0187691
Nguyen QC, McCullough M*, Meng H*, Paul D*, Li D*, Kath S*, Loomis G, Nsoesie EO, Smith KR, Li F (2017). Geotagged US Tweets as Predictors of County-Level Health Outcomes, 2015–2016. American Journal of Public Health. 107 (11): 1776-1782. Nguyen QC, Meng H*, Li D*, Kath S*, McCullough M*, Paul D*, Kanokvimankul P*, Nguyen TX, Li L (2017). Social media indicators of the food environment and state health outcomes. Public Health. 48:120-128.
Nguyen QC, Li D*, Meng H*, Kath S*, Nsoesie E, Li F, Wen M (2016). A national neighborhood dataset from geotagged Twitter data. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2(2), e158.
Nguyen QC, Kath S*, Meng H*, Li D*, Smith KR, VanDerslice JA, Wen M, Li F (2016). Leveraging geotagged Twitter data to examine neighborhood happiness, diet, and physical activity. Applied Geography.73: 77-88
UMD Media:
Maryland Today | October 15, 2021
$3.7M NIH Grant Supports Development of Chatbot to Help New Moms, Babies
UMD School of Public Health | October 11, 2021
$3.7M NIH Grant Supports Development of Chatbot to Support New Moms, Babies
UMD School of Public Health | February 25, 2021
Dr. Quynh Nguyen Awarded $3.3 M NIH Grant, Will Use Twitter Data To Characterize Racial Climate Across US
The Diamondback | March 24, 2020
UMD research team finds link between racism and poor community health — by using Twitter
Maryland Today | March 02, 2020
Hate, Health and Social Media
UMD School of Public Health | February 25, 2020
Racial Bias Expressed via Tweets Linked With Poor Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in US States
Other Outlets:
Chicago Tribune | April 20, 2020
Commentary: Racism is the other virus sweeping America during this pandemic
Boston University | July 19, 2019
Twitter Data Shows Who Is Hitting the Gym
Harvard Public Health
Q&A: Public Health 3.0
ASSPH | January 19, 2018
Maryland Obesity Initiatives
ASSPH | September 27, 2017
Maryland Researcher Uses Twitter to Predict County Health Outcomes
Nation's Health | April 2021
Newsmakers: April 2021