The Colors of COVID-19: Barbershop & Salon Vaccination Outreach and Education Campaign for the State of Maryland is supported by a grant from the Maryland Department of Health.
We are Maryland Barbers and Stylists United for Health. We have come together from Prince George’s County, Montgomery County and Baltimore City to protect ourselves, our clients, family and loved ones from ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic in our community. We will be providing education and outreach through Barbershops and Salons.
To save lives, we need to get our communities vaccinated fast - Addressing the underlying reasons for why people are unsure about getting vaccinated will require an approach that focuses at the hyperlocal level to understand people’s beliefs and concerns, encourage conversation, and spark a vaccination movement at the community level.
That is why we have teamed up with the Maryland Department of Health to promote vaccine confidence in the state. The Maryland Barbers & Stylists United for Health campaign uses the Health Advocates In-Reach and Research (HAIR) model developed at the University of Maryland Center for Health Equity. With support from the state, we will ensure that people living in High COVID-19 transmission areas receive the information they need to make an informed decision about getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

Maryland Center for Health Equity

Institute for Creative Community Initiatives

Our Wellness Warriors
Learn More about the Barbers & Stylists promoting Health in thier Communities.

Building Bridges, Building Trust, Building Healthy Communities

Mobilize barbershops and salons as “trusted information centers” for learning how best to protect family, friends and loved ones from COVID-19 infection.

The University of Maryland Center for Health Equity, Institute for Creative Community Initiatives and Radio One, Inc.

Get Vaccinated
We hope to host another event soon.
Click the Get Vaccianted button above to find a place to get vaccinated today.
Other Events
Every Thursday Night: Shots at the Shop Town Hall | Facebook Live | 7:00pm to 8:30pm EST
COVID-19 Rapid Response Training for Barbers and Stylists
Welcome to the COVID-19 Rapid Response training space. Watch the brief video below to get an introduction to the initiative.
Welcome to Our Training Space
Please begin your journey by viewing this introduction hosted by Dr. Reed Tuckson, titled "Making It Plain: The Colors of COVID-19--Barbershop and Salons from Vaccine Hesitancy to Confidence."
Introductory Webinars
Below is a selection of past live zoom Webinars to introduce you to being a community COVID-19 resource. Each webinar is about an hour and a half long.
What to Expect
Thanks for joining our online training for Shots at the Shop! You are on your way to being an outstanding COVID-19 Resource in your community.
How to Complete the Course
For this course, there are 5 "modules" or topics. In each module, there will be two things you need to do to complete the module.
Watch the video(s)
Reflection Question(s)
The videos cover important topics about vaccines and things to think about when you're talking with customers. The reflection questions give you a moment to stop and reflect on what you've heard, and how this applies to you and your shop.
If you have questions about the course, email hair@umd.edu
Shots at the Shop
An Inside Look at a Salon that Turned into a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
Reflection Questions
What are your three key takeaways from viewing the module content on Shots at the Shops?
How might you do this in your own shop?
Meet our Instructors
Mike Brown - Barber and Manager of The Shop Spa in Hyattsville, MD,
Certified Community Health Worker,
Founding Member Health Advocates In-Reach and Research (HAIR)
Katrina Randolph - Stylist and Owner of Tre Shadz Studio in Capitol Heights, MD,
Certified Community Health Worker,
Founding Member Health Advocates In - Reach and Research (HAIR)
Fred Spry - Master Barber and Owner of The Shop Spa, Hyattsville, MD,
Certified Community Health Worker,
Founding Member Health Advocates In - Reach and Research (HAIR)
Waverly Willis, Owner and operator of Urban Kutz in Cleveland, OH
The Urban Barber Association
Aaron Perry, CEO/ Founder of Rebalanced-Life Wellness Association
An Unconventional Form of Preventative Health Care
CDC COVID-19 Employer Information for Beauty Salons and Barbershops
How do I keep my shop safe? (for employers)
Please visit the CDC page with employer information about how to maintain a COVID-safe Beauty Salon or Barbershop environment.
How do I stay safe at work? (for employees)
This page also has information that can be given to employees of a salon or barbershop. Read about what employees need to know.
What We Need to Know
The purpose of this module is to provide information about the COVID-19 disease including the risk of long haul syndrome and the role of vaccines to mitigate the most severe disease outcomes. Additionally, the role of Black people in the clinical trials will be discussed. This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Michele Andrasik
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Avenue N, E3-300
Seattle, WA 98109
Email: mandrasik@fredhutch.org
COVID-19 & Vaccines: What We Need to Know
Reflection Questions
What are your three key takeaways from viewing the module content on COVID-19 & Vaccines?
What kinds of questions about COVID-19 vaccination have you heard in your shop?
All About the Shot
Check out the COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Hub
What is the best way to talk about vaccines?
Become a Health Champion and help #StopCOVIDnow
What to do before you get the shot
Click here to learn what to do before you get the shot.
Possible Side Effects After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
Learn about side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.
When You've Been Fully Vaccinated
Learn what you can do after you are fully vaccinated.
How do we know if the vaccines are safe?
Vaccines are "safe and effective" but what does that mean? Learn more about Vaccine Safety.
What about COVID-19 Vaccines and kids?
Check out this video series put together by Pediatricians answering questions about COVID-19 Vaccines and kids
Lessons From the Front Lines of Vaccine Access and Hesitancy
The purpose of this module is to introduce current public health interventions regarding COVID-19 vaccine access and hesitancy and to describe how these interventions could influence the impact of the pandemic on communities of color.
George Askew, MD, FAAP
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Health, Human Services, and Education
for Prince George’s County, Maryland.
Colors of COVID-19
Reflection Questions
What are your three key takeaways from viewing the module content on Public Health Interventions?
What kinds of questions about vaccine access or hesitancy have you heard in your shop?
Learn the Current Numbers for COVID-19 in Your Area
View numbers from the CDC.
View the numbers from Johns Hopkins University.
View the Maryland COVID-19 Dashboard
View the Prince George's County COVID-19 Dashboard
View the Montgomery County COVID-19 Dashboard
View the Baltimore CIty COVID-19 Dashboard
Your state or local county health department might have a COVID-19 Dashboard of its own. To find it, please google "[your county name] COVID-19 Dashboard'' (e.g., Prince George's County COVID-19 Dashboard).
Communicating Information about Covid-19
The purpose of this module is to prepare you to productively communicate information about COVID-19, especially to clients and people who may have very different attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic. How you talk about vaccines with others is important to what they decide. This will also help you to be prepared to answer common questions and concerns. This module will take approximately 38 minutes to complete.
Devlon N. Jackson, PHD
Assistant Research Professor, Behavioral and Community Health
University of Maryland School of Public Health
Sandra C. Quinn, PHD
Professor and Chair, Dept. Family Science and
Senior Associate Director, Maryland Center for Health Equity
University of Maryland School of Public Health
Talking with Clients about COVID-19
Reflection Questions
What are your three key takeaways from viewing the module content on Communicating Information About COVID-19?
How might you do this in your own shop?
Talking about Covid-19 Vaccines
Read COVID-19 FAQS and 'Do's and Don'ts' of talking about COVID-19 Vaccines on the AD Council's Messaging Strategy for the Black Community.
Connecting with Local Public Health
The purpose of this module is to help barbers and stylists engage local health departments and hospitals as clinical partners who can operate a vaccination clinic in or near their places of business. The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) will provide local guidance and facilitate connections. This module will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Oscar Alleyne, DrPH MPH
Chief of Programs and Services, NACCHO
National Association of County and City Health Officials
Working with Local Health Departments
Reflection Questions
What are your three key takeaways from viewing the module content on Engaging with Clinical Partners?
How might you do this in your own shop?
Learn the Current Numbers for COVID-19 in Your Area
View numbers from the CDC.
View the numbers from Johns Hopkins University.
View the Maryland COVID-19 Dashboard
View the Prince George's County COVID-19 Dashboard
View the Montgomery County COVID-19 Dashboard
View the Baltimore CIty COVID-19 Dashboard
Your state or local county health department might have a COVID-19 Dashboard of its own. To find it, please google "[your county name] COVID-19 Dashboard'' (e.g., Prince George's County COVID-19 Dashboard).
The Maryland Center for Health Equity has an online archive full of articles about Health Equity that you can read free of charge.
If you are interested in Health Equity, Health Disparities, and what we can do to make our communities healthier, check out articles on the Archive
Click here to access the Minority Health and Health Equity Archive
Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in the US
Finding Credible Vaccine Information
Are COVID-19 Vaccines safe if I have Kidney Disease?
COVID-19 and Kidney Disease
Are COVID-19 Vaccines recommended if I have Diabetes?
COVID-19 and Diabetes
Greater than COVID
Informational Materials in English and Spanish
Greater than COVID YouTube Channel
Kids & COVID Vaccines Playlist
Downloadable Materials
Maryland MyIR is a free website service that allows consumers to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet, Maryland's immunization information system. ImmuNet is used by healthcare providers to securely maintain vaccination records for Maryland residents of all ages.
Physician's Weekly: The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Silver Lining: Leveraging the Expertise of Barbers & Stylists to Promote Health Equity & Create Healthier Communities
The Washington Post: Vaccine gap between Black and White Americans narrowed, but it’s back for booster shots
Maryland Today: UMD Report: Complex Challenges Slowed Prince George’s COVID Vaccine Response
PR Newswire: National Minority Quality Forum Hosts Live Conversation Featuring Barber and Stylist COVID-19 Vaccine Activists
Consumer Reports: Flu Deaths Are More Common in Children of Color, Study Finds
MSNBC: Dr. Thomas turns barbershops & salons into “trusted vaccine information centers”
Public Health on Call: Episode 351: A Vaccine with that Haircut? Barber Shops and the Fight Against COVID-19
Washington Post: Offering beer, babysitting and barbershop outreach, the White House launches new initiatives to boost vaccinations
Pew Research Center: Increasing Public Criticism, Confusion Over COVID-19 Response in U.S.
NPR: Barbers are enlisted to tout the benefits of being vaccinated against COVID
The Washington Post: Trump and his allies really, really, really want to blame Black Americans and Democrats for vaccine hesitancy
New England Journal of Medicine: Striving for Diversity in Research Studies
Medical Marketing and Media: Black and Hispanic communities are lagging in getting vaccinated. How these organizations are trying to change that.
New York Post: Facing the facts about the unvaxxed — and why it’s folly to approach them in anger
The Undefeated: Tuskegee descendants, hip-hop anthems and hustlers are all being deployed to convince Black people to get vaccinated
NBC Southern California: Combating Vaccine Hesitancy Among Black Americans After Mistrust Caused by Unethical Study
AL.com: White House COVID team praises Mobile’s vaccine efforts during a ‘breaking point’ in pandemic
WSPA: HUD Secretary visits SC to talk about vaccinations and access to affordable housing
Gothamist: Shave And A Haircut, Two Shots: NY Salons Jump Into Vaccine Outreach
WLOX: Mississippi to offer $1,000 to African American salons as part of ‘Shots at the Shop’ program
Houston Chronicle: Slow, but steady: Vaccine drives continue in Black, Latino neighborhoods
Frequently Asked Questions
No, The Maryland Barber & Stylist United for Health is similar to the “Shots at the Shop'' program. “Shots at the Shop '' is a Nationwide program while Barbers and Stylists United for Health focuses on the State of Maryland.
We focus on Baltimore City, Prince George’s County and Montgomery County.
We believe that Barbers and Stylists hold a unique position in their community to help promote health. We aim to create Trusted Information Centers in the shops so those in the community can feel confident in the educational materials they receive in the Shop.
If you would like to be a Wellness Warrior or would like to get more information please email Chris Scurlock, cscurlock@hcdi.com.
Please Fill out Our Questions Form.
Our Team & Partners
Dr. Stephan Thomas
Director, Maryland Center for Health Equity
Proffessor, UMD School of Public Health
Jaleh Montazer, MPH
Project Coordinator
Surayyah Khan
Community Partner Specialist
Sarah Hurlbert, MPH
Program Evaluator
Mike Brown
Certified Community Health Worker
Katrina Randolph
Certified Community Health Worker
Fred Spry
Certified Community Health Worker
Mrs. Jean Drummond
Executive Director, ICCI
Chris Scurlock
Community Outreach Lead
Reginal Lewis
Sr. Integrated Marketing Specialist
Michelle Royal Vessels
Senior Integrated Solutions Executive
Luminis Health
Learn more about Luminis Health
University of Maryland Capital Region Health
Learn more about UM Capital Region
MedStar Health
Learn more about MedStar
Adventist HealthCare
Learn more about Adventist