Katrina Randolph
Certified Community Health Worker
Owner, Tre Shadez Hair Studio
Salon Instagram: @TreShadezHairStudio
Ms. Randolph is a founding member of Health Advocates In-Reach and Research (HAIR) and lead instructor for the White House COVID-19 Mitigation Initiative “Shots@TheShop.” She is also the vice president of the National Associate of Barbers and Stylist For Health. Katrina is the owner of Tre Shadez Hair Studio and senior cosmetologist with over 30 years of experience as a successful hairstylist and female entrepreneur in the DMV area (DC, MD, VA). Ms. Randolph AKA “The Short Hair Queen” opened Tre Shadez Hair Studio’s doors in 1998. She has grown and cultivated her salon/studio for over 22 years. Ms. Randolph gets great pleasure out of getting to use her creativity to help her long list of loyal clients feel and look their very best every day. In June 2021, Katrina hosted the first COVID-19 vaccination clinic in a beauty salon for Youth in the state of Maryland.
DynaMike Brown
Certified Community Health Worker
Manager, Shop Spa Barbershop/Salon
Shop Instagram: @theshopspa
Mr. Brown is a founding member of Health Advocates In-Reach and Research (HAIR) and lead instructor for the White House COVID-19 Mitigation Initiative “Shots@TheShop.” He is also the vice president of the National Associate of Barbers and Stylist For Health. For the past 30 years, Mr. Brown has used his trusted position as a barber to share lifesaving information with his clients and he has transformed his barbershop into a venue where medical and public health professionals can deliver screenings and clinical services. In May 2021, Mr. Brown hosted the first COVID-19 vaccination clinic in a Barbershop in the state of Maryland. He is on Instagram at @MikeDynaMikeBrown.
Fred Spry
Certified Community Health Worker
Manager, Shop Spa Barbershop/Salon
Shop Instagram: @theshopspa
Mr. Spry is a founding member of Health Advocates In-Reach and Research (HAIR) and lead instructor for the White House COVID-19 Mitigation Initiative “Shots@TheShop.” He is also the vice president of the National Associate of Barbers and Stylist For Health. Mr. Spry has used his trusted position as a barber to share lifesaving information to his clients and he has transformed his barbershop into a venue where medical and public health professionals can deliver screenings and clinical services. Spry is on Instagram at @Fredspry.

Craig Martin
The QG is located in Baltimore Maryland and has been in business for 16 years.
Shop Instagram: @theqg

Derrick Ausby
Conheads Men's Grooming is located in Baltimore Maryland and has been in business for 14 years. Mr. Ausby has 30 years of Barbering experience.

Ms. Denise
InVouge Hair Studio is located in Silver Spring Maryland and has been in business for 35 years. Ms. Denise says "The key to success is healthy hair."

Tye Bailey
Tye & Company Beauty Bar & Hair Loss Studio is located in Baltimore Maryland and has been in business for 14 years. Tye Bailey has 23 years of experience helping her clients feel beautiful.