School of Public Health Building #255 (multiple locations inside/outside)
Start your fall semester with the University of Maryland School of Public Health as we celebrate culture and wellbeing with community, care and joy.
- 10 am - 12 pm: Massage, Mindfulness, and Meditation
- 12 pm - 4 pm: Food trucks, Dance Performances & Mini Dance Lessons, Friend/Relationship Tips, Bounce House and Tumble Time, and much more!
Vendors/Tabling with information and giveaways throughout the day.
Full details forthcoming (by August 23rd, 2024)
If you have an interest in being a vendor/tabling/etc. or general questions, please contact Kashobi O'Bua at kobua@terpmail.umd.edu
This event is sponsored by the The SPH Happiness and Wellness Initiative.