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Undergraduate Student Resources: Family Science

From advising to career services, resources are available to make the student experience as productive, supportive and enjoyable as possible.

Learn more about our Bachelor of Science in Family Science degree or the Accelerated BS/MPH Program on their respective degree pages. 


Advising Contacts

Anna Lacy, FMSC Undergraduate Program Manager                    

Students can schedule advising appointments with their advisor through TerpEngage using this link.

The Family Science department does not require mandatory advising; however, students are encouraged to meet with their advisor at least once per semester to ensure they are staying on track with their curriculum.

The goal of the Family Science undergraduate advising office is to provide transitional and ongoing support for students, so that they may make informed decisions concerning their academic plans and professional/personal goals.

You may also visit the SPH Undergraduate Center for Academic Success and Achievement.

What is Academic Advising?

Academic advising is a partnership between students and their advisor. The sole aim of this partnership is academic, professional and personal success. Ultimately, students are responsible for their success and experience here in the Department of Family Science. To facilitate your success, the advisor will:

  • Ensure students know and have access to all the available resources at the University of Maryland, the School of Public Health, and the Department of Family Science.
  • Encourage students to grow and develop as individuals.
  • Empower students to take full responsibility for their academic decisions and get the most out of their experiences in the Family Science Department.  

Why should you see your Academic Advisor?

  • To discuss any problems that affects your academic performance
  • To discuss your academic progress
  • To discuss your academic standing (probation, dismissal, etc.)
  • To discuss any unusual circumstances that requires special assistance
  • To confirm the completion of all degree requirements for graduation
  • * When required by your advisor.

What should you expect?

Your Advisor will:

  • Help define and develop realistic personal, social, academic, and career goals.
  • Make appropriate suggestions and referrals that address needs, interests, and concerns.
  • Educate with regards to Department’s policies, procedures, and requirements.
  • Provide transitional and ongoing support.
  • Provide options and resources when facing academic difficulties.
Schedule an Advising Appointment

Students who wish to change or declare a major in Family Science must complete ALL STEPS in the School of Public Health (SPH) Change of Major Process.

The Change of Major Process includes attending a virtual Change of Major Workshop on ELMS and then submitting a Graduation Plan. Note, it will take up to 10 business days after a student completes a Change of Major workshop for their major to be officially changed to Family Science

Register for a Change of Major Workshop in Family Science

What is FMSC477?

The capstone requirement for a degree in Family Science is FMSC477. This course includes a required 120-hour internship designed to integrate department and other coursework with a real-time work experience. In addition to a field placement, students are required to attend a weekly capstone seminar (some sessions are synchronous and some are asynchronous). 

Students in the seminar integrate classroom theory with their field placement and share work-related activities, broadening their exposure to work in the discipline of Family Science and their knowledge of specific career opportunities for FMSC graduates. 

To receive credit for FMSC477, students must work a minimum of 120 hours in their approved internship. The first meeting of the internship seminar will be held the first week of the semester during the day and time listed in the Schedule of Classes. Only university-approved excuses will be accepted for seminar absences. Please refer to the Schedule of Classes on Testudo for the class meeting day and time.

Eligibility to Register for FMSC477

To be eligible to register for FMSC477, an FMSC major must have met the following requirements:

  • Must have passed FMSC330 with a C- or higher
  • Must have passed FMSC383 with a C- or higher
  • Must be in your senior year
    • If you are graduating in Spring, you can register for FMSC477 as early as the preceding Summer term. If you are graduating in Fall, you can register as early as the preceding Spring term.

Finding an Internship & Submitting the Internship Contract

Students are responsible for investigating, selecting, and securing their own internship placement; however, the Department of Family Science does provide some support through an ELMS page called the Internship Guide. Students are added to the Internship Guide on ELMS after schedule adjustment in the semester they are registered for FMSC383 (the prerequisite requirement for FMSC477). This Internship Guide includes multiple resources to aid students in searching for an internship, including an Internship Directory that lists all of the previous internship sites students have used in the past.

To be approved, the FMSC477 internship must meet the following requirements:

  • Students must be able to complete at least 120 hours at their internship site between the first and last day of classes in the semester they are registered for FMSC477.
  • Students must have a direct internship supervisor. As part of the grade for FMSC477, internship supervisors complete mid-term and final evaluations of their student intern.
  • The internship must align with FMSC curriculum and the student's career aspirations post-graduation. It can be helpful for students to think about the kind of work they might like to try in preparation for their job after graduation, and consider the population(s) they may like to serve.

Upon securing an internship, students must complete and submit the Internship Contract located in the Files section of the ELMS Internship Guide. The Internship Contract should be completed with the student's new supervisor and must be signed by both the student and their direct supervisor. Once the Internship Contract is submitted, the Family Science Undergraduate Program Manager will review your contract. If the site is approved, the student will be given the necessary permission to register for FMSC477. If the contract is NOT approved, the student will be notified directly with the reasoning for the decision. 

Internship Contracts are due on the following dates:

  • For Fall Internships, contracts are due August 1st
  • For Spring Internships, contracts are due December 1st
  • For Summer Internships, contracts are due May 1st


Questions regarding the FMSC477 course or internship requirement can be sent to the Undergraduate Program Manager for the Department of Family Science.


The Department of Family Science Honors Program offers academically talented students a more advanced and challenging educational experience related to the study of families. The program provides opportunities for involvement in scholarly independent study, intensive interaction with faculty, and examination of a range of family topics in greater depth than is possible in the normal program of study. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Childhood adverse events and family re-unification of Latinx youth and parents
  • Parenting
  • Community interventions to enhance Latinx youth health and family relationships
  • Reproductive health and justice
  • Global health
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Mental Health
  • Black Families and Youth
  • LGBTQ+ health and well being
  • Trauma
  • Family Financial Education
  • Couple Relationships
  • Black Men's Health
  • Policy and Advocacy for Children and Youth

Students enroll in special honors courses, complete honors option work in regular courses and conduct independent research. The program culminates with the presentation of a senior honors thesis. Students are recognized at graduation for their academic achievement in family science.

Interested students must apply three semesters (not including summer) before their anticipated graduation; application deadlines are May 1 for Fall semester, and December 1 for Spring semester.

Apply for the Family Science honors program.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Mia Smith Bynum
Chair, Family Science Honors Program 
Room: 1142W School of Public Health
Phone: 301-405-0299


Phi Upsilon Omicron (Phi U) is a national honor society in the family and consumer science field known for traditions of promoting academic excellence, leadership skills, service opportunities, and ethical and scholastic excellence. Members are committed to a lifelong learning and advancement of family science. With over 95,000 members throughout the nation, students and alumni benefit from professional networking, leadership development opportunities, and scholarships and awards.

The University of Maryland College Park Department of Family Science has its own chapter - The Gamma Lambda Chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron. To be eligible to apply for Phi U Membership, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Must have a GPA of 3.3 or higher
  • Must have completed at least 36 credit hours
    • FMSC majors must have a minimum of 6 credits in FMSC coursework
    • Non-FMSC Majors must have a minimum of 9 credits in FMSC coursework
  • Must have a commitment to service

To learn more about the UMD Gamma Lambda Chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron, or to inquire about applying, please follow us on Instagram @phiu_md or email us at You can also contact Anna Lacy, the Chapter Co-Advisor, at

Find out more about what you can do with a bachelor of science degree in family science by reading our Family Science Career Guide.

Visit the University Career Center @ SPH