Identify where disease occurs and why
Epidemiology is the study of trends, patterns, and causes related to disease in populations. Students who concentrate in epidemiology are interested in how diseases spread among given populations. Epidemiologists create complex analytical models to help us understand the causes of and solutions to these diseases more clearly.
Perfect for students interested in
- How diseases spread among given populations over time
- Understanding biologic, social, and behavioral determinants of diseases and public health events
- Designing valid epidemiologic studies and collecting bias-free data
- Analyzing epidemiologic data and interpreting findings
- Translating findings into public health policies and practice
Career Paths
Graduates from this program will work in public health services as:
- Practitioners
- Researchers
- Administrators
- Consultants
Program Overview
The MPH with a concentration in Epidemiology is a 45-credit professional degree that prepares graduates to work in public health services as practitioners, researchers, administrators, and consultants. A full-time student may complete our program in two years. Part-time students may take up to four years to complete the program. The majority of courses are offered in the evenings.
In addition to coursework, all epidemiology master's students are required to complete a 240-hour internship and a capstone project.
See all Epidemiology and Biostatistics graduate student resources
projected to grow five percent
from 2019 to 2029, faster than the
average for all occupations.
Students admitted to the MPH in Epidemiology program will complete 45 credit hours of coursework.
View all MPH in Epidemiology required courses.
In addition to the core MPH courses (14 credits over three semesters), the course of study for the MPH in epidemiology includes:
- 12 credits required cognate courses
- 12 elective credit hours
- 4 credit hours of an internship
- 3 credit hours of a capstone project
The program can be completed on either a full or part-time basis with most classes offered in the later afternoon and evening. All requirements must be met and the degree awarded within five years following the date of entrance into the program.
Sample Full-Time Course Sequence (2 years without summer courses)
Fall Semester 1 (12 credits)
Course | Name | Credits |
SPHL601 | Core Concepts in Public Health | 1 |
SPHL602 | Foundations of Epidemiology and Biostatistics | 4 |
SPHL603 | Applied Data Laboratory | 1 |
EPIB697 | Public Health Data Management | 3 |
Elective | Selected with advisement | 3 |
Spring Semester 1 (12 credits)
Course | Title | Credits |
SPHL 610 | Program Planning and Evaluation | 5 |
SPHL 611 | Public Health Ethics | 1 |
EPIB 611 | Intermediate Epidemiology | 3 |
EPIB 651 | Biostatistics II (Applied Regression Analysis) | 3 |
Fall Semester II (11 Credits)
Course | Title | Credits |
SPHL 620 | Leadership in Public Health | 2 |
EPIB 612 | Epidemiologic Study Design | 3 |
Elective | Selected with Advisement | 3 |
Elective | Selected with Advisement | 3 |
Spring Semester II (10 Credits)
Course | Title | Credits |
Elective | Selected with Advisement | 3 |
EPIB 778 | Internship in Public Health | 4 |
EPIB 786 | Capstone Project in Public Health | 3 |
MPH graduates with a concentration in epidemiology will be able to:
- Investigate public health problems using epidemiological methods.
- Calculate epidemiology measures of disease frequency and measures of association between risk factors and disease.
- Design sound epidemiologic studies to collect unbiased data.
- Perform causal analyses of epidemiologic data.
- Identify, assess, and reduce threats to validity in epidemiologic studies.
- Manage public health data.
- Report findings of epidemiologic studies.