The faculty, staff, and students in the Department of Health Policy and Management conduct research in interrelated areas of health policy, health care management, and service delivery. Our goal is to develop actionable evidence that will improve health system performance and population health. We disseminate our work to academic, policy, and public audiences. Our work appears in journals such as Health Affairs, Health Services Research, JAMA, Journal of Health Economics, and Journal of Health and Social Behavior. We present our work to decision-making bodies such as the White House, the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, and the Maryland General Assembly. The Congressional Budget Office, the Council of Economic Advisors, and the National Academies feature our scholarship in their reports. Major media outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Baltimore Sun frequently cover faculty and student research. Please visit individual faculty webpages or the research center links provided below to explore the full breadth of our scholarship.
The Impact of Hospital-Based Health Information Technology on Health Care Quality and Equity Among Patients with ADRD. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (R01). PI: Jie Chen.
Understanding Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Care among Older Adults with Heart Failure. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (R21). PI: Aryn Phillips.
Wildfires and Infant Health. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (R01) PI: Michel Boudreaux.
The Impact of Medicare on Individual Longevity: Evidence from Medicare Introduction Using Big Data. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (R21). PI: Dahai Yue.
Improving Health Insurance Design to Reduce Racial/Ethnic Inequities in Maternal Health. Funded by The Donaghue Foundation. Co-I: Rebecca Gourevitch.
Multimorbidity Trajectories, Psychosocial Resilience and Stress, and Risk of Dementia and Poor Cognitive Functioning. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (R21). PI: Kellee White Whilby.
Health Insurance and Access to Care
Dahai Yue, Petra W. Rasmussen, and Ninez A. Ponce. Racial/ethnic differential effects of Medicaid expansion on health care access. Health Services Research, 53(5); 2018.
Michel Boudreaux and Brandy Lipton. Medicaid Benefit Generosity and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Medicaid Adult Vision Benefits. Journal of Human Resources 56(2); 2021.
Aryn Phillips, Joanne Delk, Meenakshi Subbaraman, Kara Bensley, Katherine Karriker-Jaffe and Nina Mulia. The Association of Medicaid Expansion and Receipt of Alcohol Screening and Brief Counseling in Primary Care: Is Increased Access to Primary Care Enough? Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 47(7); 2023.
Health Care Quality, Integration, and Coordination
Rebecca Gourevitch, Tanya Natwick, Christine Chaisson, Amber Weiseth, Neel Shah. Variation in Guideline-Based Prenatal Care in a Commercially Insured Population. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 226(3); 2022.
Jie Chen, Portia Buchongo, Merienne Spencer, Charles Reynolds. An HIT-Supported Care Coordination Framework for Reducing Structural Racism and Discrimination for ADRD Patients. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 30(11); 2022.
Equity and Disparities in Health and Health Care
Kellee White, Jennifer S. Haas, David R Williams. Elucidating the role of place in health care disparities: the example of racial/ethnic residential segregation. Health Services Research; 47(3: Part II); 2012.
Stephen Thomas, Sandra Crouse Quinn, James Butler, Craig Fryer, and Mary Garza. Toward a Fourth Generation of Disparities Research to Achieve Health Equity. Annual Review of Public Health 32; 2011.
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
Aryn Phillips, Lori Post, Maryann Mason. Prevalence of Alcohol in Unintentional Opioid Overdose Deaths, 2017-2020. JAMA Network Open, 6(1); 2023.
Jie Chen, Priscilla Novak, Deanna Barath, Howard Goldman, Karoline Mortensen. Local Health Departments’ Promotion of Mental Health Care and Reductions in 30-day All-Cause Readmission Rates in Maryland. Medical Care 56(2); 2018.
Housing and Health
Dahai Yue, Nadereh Pourat, Elsie A Essien, Xiao Chen, Weihao Zhou, Brenna O'Masta. Differential Associations of Homelessness with Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender. Health Services Research 57(S2); 2022.
Michel Boudreaux, Andrew Fenelon, Natalie Slopen, Sandra Newman. Association of Childhood Asthma with Federal Rental Assistance. JAMA Pediatrics 174(6); 2020.
Aging and Older Adults
Xuanzi Qin, Peter Huckfeldt, Jean Abraham, Douglas Yee, Beth Vernig. Was Unstable Medicaid Coverage among Older Medicare Beneficiaries Associated with Worse Clinical Outcomes? Evidence from the Delivery of Breast Cancer Care. Medical Care 61(9); 2023.
Aryn Phillips, Mercedes Carnethon, Morgan Bonham, Rebecca Lovett, Michael Wolf. Hazardous Drinking by Older Adults with Chronic Conditions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a Chicago-Based Cohort. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Early View; 2023.
Kellee White, Bethany Bell, Shuo Huang and David Williams. Perceived Discrimination Trajectories and Depressive Symptoms Among Middle-Aged and Older Black Adults. Innovation in Aging 4(5); 2020.
Maternal and Reproductive Health
Rebecca A Gourevitch, Chloe Zera, Michelle W Martin et al. Home Visits With A Registered Nurse Did Not Affect Prenatal Care In A Low-Income Pregnant Population. Health Affairs 42(8); 2023.
Michel Boudreaux, Liyang Xie, Yoon Choi, Dylan Roby, Michael Rendall. Changes to Contraceptive Method Use at Title X Clinics Following Delaware Contraceptive Access Now, 2008-2017. American Journal of Public Health 110(8); 2020.
Pharmaceutical Policy
Xuanzi Qin, Peter Huckfeldt, Jean Abraham, Douglas Yee, Beth Vernig. Generic Entry of Aromatase Inhibitors and Pharmaceutical Access: Initiation of Hormonal Therapy, Timeliness of Initiation, and Drug Choice. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 17(9); 2021.
Aryn Philips, Jennifer Ahern, William Kerr, Hector Rodriguez. Cigeretts Smoked among Daily and Non-Daily Smokers Following CVS Health’s Tobacco-Free Pharmacy Policy. Tobacco Control 31; 2022.
Social Determinants of Health
Dahai Yue, Nadereh Pourat Xiao Chen, et al. Enabling Services Improve Access to Care, Preventive Services, and Satisfaction among Health Center Patients. Health Affairs 38(9); 2019.
Aryn Phillips, Amanda Brewster, Martin Kyalwazi, Hector Rodriguez. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services State Innovation Model Initiative and Social Risk Factors: Improved Diagnosis among Hospitalized Adults with Diabetes. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 59(4); 2020
Race and Racism
Kellee White, Danielle L Beatty Moody, and Jourdyn A Lawrence. Integrating Racism as a Sentinel Indicator in Public Health Surveillance and Monitoring Systems. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S1); 2023.
Kellee White, Jourdyn A Lawrence, Nedelina Tchangalova, Shuo Huang, Jason L Cummings. Socially-assigned race and health: a scoping review with global implications for population health equity. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(25); 2020.
Research Methods
Michel Boudreaux, James M. Noon, Brett Fried, and Joanne Pascale. Medicaid expansion and the Medicaid Undercount in the American Community Survey. Health Services Research, 54(6); 2019.
Dahai Yue, Nadereh Pourat Xiao Chen, B. O’Masta, M. Huynh, K.Xin. How to Identify Homelessness using Administrative Data. Health Services Research, 55(21); 2020.
Research Centers and Programs

Center for Health Equity
The Center for Health Equity's mission is to eliminate health disparities and facilitate health equity through innovative research, teaching and service.

Center on Aging
The Center on Aging is dedicated to "healthy and productive" aging and utilizes a multidisciplinary team approach to improve the quality of life and health status of America's elderly population.

The Hospital And Public health interdisciPlinarY research (HAPPY) Lab studies system-level care coordination among hospitals, communities, and public health agencies that can improve population mental health and reduce health disparities