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MS, Couple and Family Therapy

Older couple walking

Advance family well-being as the foundation for a healthy society

The Couple and Family Therapy master’s program teaches students superior therapeutic skills, ethical integrity, intellectual curiosity and a sincere commitment to working with families from diverse populations. 

Perfect for...

  • Imaginative, intelligent and highly motivated individuals with a desire for challenge, a commitment to excellence and a well-developed sense of social responsibility
  • Those with past coursework in family studies, human development, abnormal psychology, and introduction to therapy or counseling

Career Paths

  • Couple and family therapists
  • Agency administrators
  • Substance abuse counselors
  • School counselors
  • Human service project directors
  • Child/couple/family researchers

Program Overview

Recognized among the top programs of its kind, the CFT program offers real-world experience through the Center for Healthy Families, a state-of-the-art training and research facility that provides reduced-cost counseling to hundreds of families annually.



Families and couples served each 
 year by our Center for Healthy 